Mobility Factory SCE

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= a pan-European Protocol Cooperatives for sharing electric cars



"The Mobility Factory SCE is a European co-operative enterprise

This initiative is born out of a collaboration between three citizens’ cooperatives in Europe. We met via the Mobility Network of REScoop eu. We joined forces to succesfully share electric cars with our members. We do this because we want better and sustainable mobility in our communities. What drives us? Clean air, renewable energy, living space, engagement of our users.

In the network, we share experiences and ideas and we build expertise. We have developed together a shared IT platform. Via this electric car sharing platform, our members get access to shared electric cars. All the developments are done cooperatively. ​ Now we want to to think bigger. We will transfer the electric car sharing platform to The Mobility Factory, a European Cooperative Society that will soon be founded. This company will cooperatively own the platform. It will allow cooperatives from across Europe to offer e-car sharing services to their members. The Mobility Factory will take a unique approach as it will apply “Platform Cooperativism” through a clear and transparent governance structure and decision making process."