User:Asimong/Wiki Housekeeping
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A list of things to do and issues, by Simon Grant — User:Asimong
from June 2019
- Category pages revised
- Category: Circular Economy, reviewed by MB --Michel Bauwens (talk) 07:07, 16 August 2019 (UTC)
- Category: Collaborative Economy, reviewed by MB --Michel Bauwens (talk) 12:41, 22 August 2019 (UTC)
- Category: Commons ; reviewed by MB --MIchel Bauwens (talk) 08:18, 27 August 2019 (UTC)
- Category: Commons Economics; reviewed by MB --MIchel Bauwens (talk) 07:11, 3 September 2019 (UTC)
- Category: Commons Transition; reviewed by MB --MIchel Bauwens (talk) 15:07, 10 September 2019 (UTC)
- Category: Community Economics ; reviewed by MB --MIchel Bauwens (talk) 11:13, 16 September 2019 (UTC)
- Category: Economics: reviewed by MB ; --MIchel Bauwens (talk) 10:09, 18 September 2019 (UTC)
- Category: EthicalEconomy: reviewed by MB ----MIchel Bauwens (talk) 12:34, 14 January 2020 (UTC)
- Category: P2P Transition: reviewed by MB ; 27/1/2020
- Category: Peereconomy ; reviewed by MB --MIchel Bauwens (talk) 07:15, 28 August 2019 (UTC)
- Category: Relational ; reviewed by MB, 28/1/2020
- Category: Sharing; reviewed by MB --Michel Bauwens (talk) 07:07, 16 August 2019 (UTC)
- Category: Spirituality
- Category page revision underway / in progress
- Category: Languages pages with substantial material
- Category: Free Software
- Category pages that would be nice to revise, but deferred to another day
Recommendations by MB
- priority to our own material (wikipedia only as supportive)
- always add subsection with our own material and mentions our key theoretical innovations
- always link to preserved old intro by myself
In each case, if there is a Wikipedia page. E.g. Wikipedia: Circular economy add that to the page itself, but of course all internal references should be to our own page.
Fine to add, but priority should go to our own material --MIchel Bauwens (talk) 07:09, 16 August 2019 (UTC)
As proposed by Michel, 2019-01-10
- Deciding on uniform presentation format for all section pages
- Creation of position statement on main issues related to the issue
- Link to ‘Introduction to the P2P Foundation Wiki Material about ...’ (maintaining link to full historical section introduction)
- Create one visualization for each section, summarizing the field and with access to key wiki articles
- Proposing a learning path
- Proposing a creative use of select quotes available on the page
- Cleaning empty and ‘almost empty’ categories
January 2019
- develop a quick "template" (not a mediawiki template) to drop in when adding people
- e.g. Richard Wolff
- User:Asimong/Test_Outline
- start thinking about community management issues
- find all users without active e-mail addresses, and freeze them?
- find users who have added unclaimed / uncited material and remind them of wiki guidelines?
- maybe, invite contributors into small groups with some common geography or interest?
- establish an onboarding / apprenticeship / mentoring scheme
- develop a draft category template User:Asimong/Category_Essentials
- The Essential Idea
- Key Quotes
- Here is an Introduction by Michel Bauwens to Category Name
- Key Concepts to Understand
- and where to find out more if you don't understand them (which could be here or elsewhere)
- Useful Learning Resources (here on the wiki)
- set out in sections that present the key message
- with some idea of levels
Deletion or addition of categories and templates
- Keep Category:Music but delete all the smaller music categories -- done!
- Category:Blog is suspect
- Category:Coworking needs adding to many other pages
- We need a Category: Foundations :
- I don't think we so, we have Category:Movements --Michel Bauwens (talk) 07:06, 16 August 2019 (UTC)
- I'm not so sure: a movement refers to the people in the movement, where surely a foundation is exactly the legal organisation that is set up to support or fund the movement?
Now deleted:
- Category: Finance
- Category: Overview-Text
- Category: OWS Workspace
- Category: Crowdfunding
and other related templates
Pages to Tidy Up
testing columns
Col 1Something in column 1? |
Col 2 |
Col 1 |
Col 2 |
Col 3 |
testing tables
Critères additionnels de tous communs selon Ostrom | ||
1) la production et la gestion en commun d’une ressource considérée comme vulnérable | 2) l’établissement de droits distribués de propriété qui régulent l’accès à la ressource par les commoneurs. | 3) la gouvernance collective de la ressource qui inclut la résolution des conflits. |
Critères additionnels des communs de capabilité | ||
4) Une aspiration socialeau développement équitable des capabilités motive l’action collective | ||
5) l’objectif est l’accessibilité réelle à la ressource à partir d’une finalité d’équité et une attention portée aux plus démunis et vulnérables. L’accessibilité se traduit notamment dans les droits distribués qui régulent l’accès à la ressource. | 6) un mode de gouvernance local et délibératif associant les personnes concernées (liberté procédurale) et qui repose surune solidarité démocratique fondée sur la reconnaissance de l’autre comme différent mais égal en dignité. | 7) la ressource faisant l’objet d’un commun de capabilité («ressource sociale») concoure aux capabilités et fait l’objet d’un jugement partagé d’utilité, de désirabilité et d’un vœu de dotation équitable construit par la délibération. |
8) Des pouvoirs publics qui, en sus de la reconnaissance méta-institutionnelle des règles du communs (Ostrom, 1990), favorisent la liberté procédurale des acteurset adoptent une posture de co-construction. |
Generic Elements | Hierarchical Governance | Atomistic Governance | Holographic Governance | Fragmented Governance |
Ontological Assumptions | Static state, transcendent source, singular expression (Undifferentiated Individual) | Static state, immanent source, plural expression (Differentiated Individual) | Dynamic state, transcendent source, singular expression (Undifferentiated Relational) | Dynamic state, immanent source, plural expression (Not in 2012 typology) |
Language Characteristics | Discrete, hierarchical | Discrete, nonhierarchical | Gerundial, holistic | Gerundial, discrete |
Psychosocial Theory | individuality | Individuality | Particular individuality | Singular Individuality |
Epistemological Concepts | Rationalism | Empiricism | Idealism | Epistemological Anarchism |
Belief Systems | Monotheism | Naturalism | Pantheism | Anti-essentialism |
Ethical Concepts | Deontological obligation | Consequentialism | Moral imperative | Moral skepticism/relativism |
Political Theory | Classical conservative liberalism | Modern liberalism | Socialism | Individualist anarchism |
Economic Theory | Welfare state | Market exchange | Collective Planning | Self-sufficiency and barter |
Administrative Theory | Orthodox administration | New Public Service | New Public Administration | New Public Management |
Driving Principal | Order | Liberty | Unity | Autonomy |
Pathology | Bondage | Isolation | Absorption | Alienation |