Category:P2P Transition
The transition to a peer-to-peer (P2P) society implies that our relationships become less hierarchical (in the context of domination hierarchies, not hierarchies of empowerment), and increasingly between equals ; that is, between peers. Power is diffused and more 'distributed' across society. In the understanding of the P2P Foundation, we are in a transitional period towards a system that can act within planetary boundaries, which also require a form of social equity. This is achieved through the model of a commons-centric society. This doesn't require abolishing the other forms of allocation which have existed in tandem for 5,000 years, i.e. commoning, the gift economy, redistribution (the state) and market allocation, but a new equilibrium amongst them, and a evolution from a market-centric capitalist society, to a commons-centric post-capitalist society.
The pages in this category involve, in some way or other, the question of how we are getting there or what it would be like. There are many insights to be had from previous transitions in society between one system and another.
Contextual Quote
William Irwin Thompson: Transitions are Catastrophes
"The transition from one World to another is a catastrophe, in the sense of the catastrophe theory of René Thom. Indeed, a catastrophe is the making conscious of an Unconscious Polity; it is the feeling in Being of a domain that is unknown to thinking. Catastrophes are often stimulated by the failure to feel the emergence of a domain, and so what cannot be felt in the imagination is experienced as embodied sensation in the catastrophe. When rational knowing and political governance no longer serve to feel the actual life of a World, then consciousness becomes embodied in experience outside the world-picture but still within the invisible meta-domain. The conscious process is reflected in the imagination; the unconscious process is expressed as karma, the generation of actions divorced from thinking and alienated from feeling. Catastrophes are discontinuous transitions in Culture- Nature through which knowing has an opening to Being. This moment of passing-together through a catastrophe, this occasion of com-passionate participation, presents an opportunity for a shift from karmic activity to Enlightenment. Thus the transition from one World-Structure to another is characterized by catastrophes in which the Unconscious Polities become visible. At such times there can be a rapid flip-over or reversal in which the unthinkable becomes possible.
No governing elite will allow us to think this transition from one World-Structure to another, but imagination and compassion will allow us to feel what we cannot understand. As "Nature" comes to its end in our scientific culture, the relationship between conscious and unconscious will change and the awareness of immanent mind in bacteria and of autopoesis in devices of Artificial Intelligence will give us a new appreciation of the animism of ancient world-picture. The "Man" of the historical set of Culture-Nature will come to his end in a new irrational world of angels and devils, elementals and cyborgs. In this science fiction landscape, this invisible meta-domain in which we already live, the end of Nature as unconscious karma makes of Enlightenment and Compassion a new political possibility."
Key Concepts of this Category
- See our page on Peer to Peer ; Commons
Useful Learning Resources
- Michel Bauwens on the Transition to the New Peer to Peer System of Social Sharing of Goods and Services 29 minute video, 2016
- The basic orientation of p2p theory towards societal reform: transforming civil society, the private and the state
- To the Finland Station: the political approach of P2P Theory
Deeper Study
- Criteria for a Post-Transitional Economic System. By Daniel Schmachtenberger.
- Transitioning from the Ego System to the Eco System Approach. By Otto Scharmer.
From the P2P Foundation
- Bauwens, M., Kostakis, V., & Pazaitis, A. (2019). Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto, London: Westminster University Press. [1]. See our entry: Peer_to_Peer:_The_Commons_Manifesto_(Book)
- What You Should Read To Understand the Commons: reading list
- Our first proposed Commons Transition Plan (FLOK version), for the government of Ecuador
- Our Commons Transition Plan for the City of Ghent ; and further reflections: Changing Societies through Urban Commons Transitions.
Related Categories
- Category: Commons Transition ; Category: Commons Policy
- On the simultaneous transformation of civil society, the market and the state: Category:P2P_State_Approaches ; Category:P2P_Market_Approaches ; Category:Civil_Society
Pages in category "P2P Transition"
The following 95 pages are in this category, out of 95 total.
- Capitalism and the Commons
- Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity
- Change Dynamics
- Circular Finance
- Cities Developing Worker Co-ops
- Clare Graves and His Three Scenarios for the Future of Humanity
- Comenius and Pansophic Education
- Commons-Innovations Vouchers
- Complexity Thresholds and Complexity Transitions
- Connections between Energy Use and Societal Leadership Transitions
- Creating Socio-Ecological Societies Through Urban Commons Transitions
- Criteria for a Post-Transitional Economic System
- Culture of the Commons in a Time of Civilizational Transition
- David Ronfeldt on Transition Dynamics in the Context of Changes in Dominant Institutional Forms
- Deficient Manifestations of Intellectual-Mental-Rational Consciousness
- Degrowth, Post-Development, and Transitions
- Derk Loorbach on Transition Governance
- Distinguishing Four Discourses on Sustainability Transitions
- Distributed Networks, Transformational Communities and the New Monastics
- Major Transitions in Big History
- Major Transitions in Human Evolutionary History
- Making Sense of Rifkin's Third Industrial Revolution
- Metasystem Transition Theory
- Metasystem Transitions
- Michel Bauwens 2022 Interview with a Left-Accelerationist Cyber-Communist Group in Milan
- Michel Bauwens on Our Commons Transition
- Michel Bauwens on the Commons for Systemic, Organisational, Personal Transformation
- Michel Bauwens on the Commons Transition
- Michel Bauwens on the Conflicts Between Commoners, Capitalists and Intersectionalists
- Michel Bauwens on the Role of the Commons and Peer Production in the Current Transition
- Michel Bauwens on the Role of the Commons in Civilizational Transitions
- Michel Bauwens on the Systemic, Organisational, and Personal Transformation Required for a Commons Transition
- Michel Bauwens on the Transition to the New Peer to Peer System of Social Sharing of Goods and Services
- Technological Revolutions and Societal Transitions
- Territories of Commons in Europe as Niches of a Much Needed Transition
- Terry Irwin
- Three Essential Paradigm Shifts Towards a Sustainable World
- Time Between Worlds
- Transfer Culture
- Transition Design Bibliography
- Transition from City to Civium
- Transition Income
- Transition towards a Food Commons Regime
- Transition Trade
- Transition Trade Proposals for Renewable Energy Projects
- Transitioning from Decentralized Feudalism to Centralized Nation-States to Distributed Network Nations
- Transitioning from the Ego System to the Eco System Approach
- Transitioning to Renewables Will Not Create Energy Scarcity
- Transitioning Towards a Food Commons Regime
- Transitions To State-Level Societies