Just Transition Research Collaborative
= "a space for exchange and discussion that brings together a range of experts from academia and civil society to collectively map and analyse the different understandings and narratives of "Just Transition".
“The Just Transition Research Collaborative (JTRC) was created as a space for exchange and discussion that brings together a range of experts from academia and civil society to collectively map and analyse the different understandings and narratives of "Just Transition" underpinning the concept’s growing popularity and uptake. The project provides an important contribution to the science-policy dialogue around Just Transition and offers policy recommendations on how the approach can be used to foster the transition to equitable low-carbon development.
So far, the JTRC has contributed two reports and an online forum to the debate. The first report mapped out and unpacked the history of the Just Transition concept and the different understandings, narratives and framings of Just Transition, illustrating case studies of how Just Transition is—or is not—being mobilized on the ground to call for a progressive interpretation of Just Transition to promote transformative change and climate justice for all. The second report analysed urban and local-level approaches to Just Transition, exploring the role of cities in implementing progressive and transformative Just Transition strategies and plans in order to contribute to a better understanding of the potential of local-level Just Transition policies and frameworks to influence higher level policy change. The online forum complements the report with additional stories on Just Transition, showcasing case studies and approaches and their implications for equity and social justice.” (https://www.unrisd.org/unrisd/website/projects.nsf/(httpProjects)/6378AA7BF0CE54B0802585ED00305CC2?OpenDocument)