P2P Blog Video of the Day
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January-December 2012
See: Blog Video of the Day Archive 2012
January-December 2013
See: Blog Video of the Day Archive 2013
January-December 2014
See: Blog Video of the Day Archive 2014
January 2015
- Jeremy Rifkin on the Zero Marginal Cost Society, video 2
- Jeffrey Hollender on Radical Transparency for Responsible Business
- Erik Olin Wright on Transforming Capitalism through Real Utopias
- Mayumi Hayashi Explains the Fureai Kippu Elder Care Currency in Japan at CCS 2013
- Annemarie Naylor on Digital Asset and Enterprise Development by Communities
February 2015
- Paul Cienfuegos on How Local Communities Are Dismantling Corporate Rule
- Pia Mancini on How To Upgrade Democracy for the Internet Era
- Neil Postman on Why Technology Is No Substitute for Human Values
- Yochai Benkler on the on the Uber-ification of Services
- William Rees on How Research on the Eco-Footprint Shows We Are Beyond the Earth's Carrying Capacity
March 2015
- Marco Torregrossa et al. on Policies for Sharing Cities
- Denis Postle on the PsyCommons as Ordinary Wisdom and Shared Power
- Anne McCrossan on Reinventing the Organization
- Don Tapscott about Complexity and Collaborative Problem Solving
- Trebor Scholz on Digital Labor
April 2015
- Debating Basic Income on Al Jazeera
- Julia Grace on Hardware Hacking
- David Harvey on the Seventeen Contradictions of Capitalism
- Stefania Druga on Hackidemia's Learning by Doing
- Sean Cubitt on the Environmental Impact of Digital Technology
May 2015
- Dmytri Kleiner and Jacob Appelbaum on Capitalism and Surveillance on the Internet
- Chris Anderson on Microeconomics for Makers
- Clothing Printer's for Neighborhood Production
- Jacques Ellul on the Betrayal by Technology
- Stafford Beer on Cybernetics, Democracy and the Will of the People
June 2015
- Brett Scott on Open Sourcing Finance
- Sgouris Sgouridis Explains Energy Money at CCS 2013
- Aaron Bastani on Fully Automated Luxury Communism
- Jim Olson on Regaining Legal Rights to Your Commons
- Craig Ambrose on the Enspiral Atamai Village in New Zealand
July 2015
- Chris Cook on Open Capital as 21st Century Financing and Funding
- Sgouris Sgouridis on Energy Money
- With P2P Within or Beyond Capitalism
- David Harvey on the End of Capitalism
August 2015
August 2016
- Jessica Gordon Nembhard on the Role of Cooperative Economics in the Afro-American Civil Rights Movement
- Tere Vaden on Energy and Experience
- Guy Standing on Taskers in the Precariat as Expressions of Rentier Capitalism
- Mark Graham on Digital Sweatshops
September 2016
- Nathan Schneider on the Internet of Ownership Project
- Jack Linchuan Qiu on Resisting and Reinventing the Gig Economy in Asia
- Lina Dencik on Worker Resistance in the Platform Economy
- Kristy Milland on Organized Resistance Against Digital Labor Subsistence at Mechanical Turk
- Mark Graham on Rethinking the Economic Geographies of Digital Labor
- Michael Gecan About Building Organizations to Empower Ordinary Citizens
- New Economic Models for Civic Spaces
October 2017
To check:
- Very interesting series: Sue Goss on the Potential of a Society Based on Open Tribes
- Rick Falkvinge on How Pirate Parties Are Organized As Swarms, check if good
see also:
- Cohabitat, an account of a conference on open source urbanism and architecture in partnership with nature, organized by the Cohabitat Group in Poland, subtitles in English, url?
- David Graeber on the First Five Thousand Years of Debt, video 0
- Clay Shirky on the End of the Audience
- Vandana Shiva on the Future of Food and Seed
To use when Bauwens is on a trip only:
- Kevin Kelly on What Technology Wants, first video
- Jeremy Rifkin on the Emphatic Civilization
- Don Tapscott on Four Principles for the Open World
- Noreena Hertz on Cooperative Capitalism
- Immanuel Wallerstein on the End of Capitalism
- Elinor Ostrom on Social Capital
- David Graeber on Debts, Money, and Markets
- Clay Shirky on the Potential of Cognitive Surplus
- David Holmgren on Permaculture in Suburbia
- Vandana Shiva on Why Nature Has Rights
- check tapscott video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Rgk7k9qsZI&feature=youtube_gdata_player
- trailer with text via http://technabob.com/blog/2012/02/19/3d-printed-house/