Blog Video of the Day Archive 2013
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January 2013
- Jeremy Rifkin on a Industrial Policy for Distributed Economies
- Jamie Drummond on Crowdsourcing the Millenium Goals
- Nick Shockey and Jonathan Eisen on the Need for Open Access in Science
- Shift Change, trailer
- Michel Bauwens OuiShare Talk on the Collaborative Economy at the Mutinerie in Paris
- Marcin Jakubowski on the Open Source Economy
- Ann Pendleton-Jullian on Power in the Change from a Triformist Era to a Quadriformist Era
- Richard Logie on the Business Exchange TBEx in Aberdeen Scotland
February 2013
- Paul Cienfuegos on the Community Rights Movement
- Donnie Maclurcan on Thriving Beyond Economic Growth
- Sacred Economics with Charles Eisenstein
March 2013
- Smári McCarthy and Eleanor Saitta on the Emerging Protocoletariat
- Alan Watts on Passionate Production
- From the Old to the New Digggers
- Jos Poortvliet on Open Governance Rules Done Right
- Miquel Ballester Salva on Fairphones with Open Supply Chains
- David Holmgren on Holistic Approaches to Food Production during Energy Descent
- David Graeber and Charles Eisenstein on the Nature of Money
- Ugo Mattei on the Constitutive Power of the Commons
- Introduction to the Urban Farming Guys
- How Green Is Your Internet
- Daniel Reetz on DIY Book Scanning
- Ellen Jorgensen on Biohacking
- Wingham Rowan on Online Markets for Microworking and Microvolunteering
June 2013
- David Karpf on the Netroots Effect
- Manuel Lima on the Power of Networks* Desmond Tutu on Ubuntu
- Sascha Meinrath on the Commotion Wireless Open Source Wireless Meshwork
- Jacopo Amistani on the Open Source Ecology Project in Europe
September 2013
- Peer-to-Peer Finance and the Future of Banking
- Intermodal Shared Mobility and the Future of Transport
- Alastair Parvin on the Wikihouse Open Source Construction Set
- Local Currencies for Global Resilience
- P2P Accomodation and The Future of Travel
- Marc-David Choukroun on Food Communities
- The State of Research on the Collaborative Economy
- Stacy Mitchell on Citizens Movements and Policies for Relocalization, suggested title: Conscious Shopping is a Sideshow!
- E.F. Schumacher and the Reinvention of the Local Economy
- Thomas Malone on the Success Factors for Collective Intelligence
- Mayo Fuster Morell on the Governance Model of the Wikimedia Foundation
October 2013