We support the following appeals:
- An Internet for the Common Good: Engagement, Empowerment, and Justice for All. A Community Informatics Declaration. By Michael Gurstein. (see also: How can we achieve Internet Justice ?)
Key Quotes
"Free speech is a tool to discover truth. Content moderation is a tool for engendering social cohesion. You can optimize for truth or social cohesion, but you can’t optimize for both.
Some people say “freedom of speech isn’t freedom of reach” to imply that we can have both, but that misunderstands free speech. As Antonio Garcia Martinez says, “Speech without reach isn’t free speech; it’s just mumbling to yourself.”
When people critique free speech they often attack the strawman version of the idea. They complain that “absolute free speech” will lead to chaos and harm — but the conversation isn’t about allowing absolute free speech. We have 231 years of case law that determine acceptable and unacceptable forms of speech, including harassment, slander, etc. The question isn’t ‘should we allow absolute free speech?’ The question is instead: ‘should the free speech laws that regulate our government also regulate our companies, especially if they’re increasingly becoming the public square?’ "
- Erik Torenberg [1]
"Granting autonomy to someone in the name of freeing them is still an exercise of power. It is still a sign-al of dominion over those who you just freed. As someone with power over another, you can not give freedom to others, the most you can do is be the cause behind someone’s not being unable to express their freedom. Thus, freedom can not be given to another, only taken away from another or expressed as oneself. We can not be pushing anyone through the door to their freedom lest our pride of being the one who frees takes over."
- Crypto Law Review [2]
Key Resources
Key Articles
Key Books
- On Internet Freedom, by Marvin Ammori [3]
"In this short volume, available as a DRM-free ebook, the established First Amendment scholar and longtime digital rights advocate Marvin Ammori takes on the question of why everybody should care about keeping the Internet free. Along the way, he explains how online battles like the SOPA protests have helped shape our understanding—and the reality—of our online rights." [4]
Key Videos
Key Quotes
"The whole "rights discourse" presupposes an external authority (government, courts) to enforce those rights, which essentially "creates the "liberal space" of "freedom" and "rights" -- but is silent on the terms of community members' engagement with each other and shared ideals. Hence the "freedoms" of the liberal/modernist/market state but also the anomie and isolation: there is no juridical language for recognizing or supporting the commons. But worse, the state doesn't even uphold putative rights in an even-handed, reliable way."
- David Bollier (email, August 2014)
Pages in category "Rights"
The following 169 pages are in this category, out of 169 total.
- Aaron Swartz
- Abigail Hunt and Peter Nolan on What the Gig Economy Means for Workers Rights
- Academic Freedom Alliance
- Academic Freedom in the UK
- Academic Punishment, Political Discrimination, and Self-Censorship
- Andrew Lowenthal on Resisting the Censorship-Industrial Complex
- Anti-Disinformation
- Attribution of Rights to Natural Resources
- Autonomy
- Ayishat Akanbi on the Importance of Free Speech
- Cancel Culture on Campus
- Canceling of the American Mind
- Cases of Deplatforming Related to Group Identity Politics
- Causa en Común
- Censorship Culture
- Censorship-Resistant Immutability
- Chicago Statement on Free Speech Policy
- Civil Rights, Big Data, and Our Algorithmic Future
- Coding Freedom
- Committee for Academic Freedom - UK
- Common Rights to Water and Land
- Commons as New Narrative to Enrich the Food Sovereignty and Right to Food Claims
- Commons Rights Are Not Legal Rights
- Community Right to Bid
- Community Rights
- Constructal Law
- Costanza Gallo on Censorship in the Crypto World
- Crowd-Working
- Crypto Wars
- Crypto-Based Censorship Resistance as Law and State Resistance
- Dan Nazer on the Electronic Freedom Foundation
- Data Ecosystems for Protecting European Citizens’ Digital Rights
- Data Love
- Declaration of Internet Freedom
- Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights
- Democratic Women’s Declaration on Protecting Sex-Based Rights
- Design Rights
- Digital Bill of Rights
- Digital Democracy Manifesto
- Digital Imprimatur
- Digital Justice Principles
- Digital Rights Activism
- Digital Rights Dissenters
- Digital Rights Movement
- Dmytri Kleiner and Jacob Appelbaum on Capitalism and Surveillance on the Internet
- Dorian Abbot on Protecting Academic Freedom
- Dream Coalition
- Helen Pluckrose on Fighting Back Against Cancel Culture
- Heterodox Academy
- Hippocratic Oath for Content Creators
- Historical and Theoretical Foundations of International Law Concerning Hate Speech
- Homo Digitalis - Greece
- How Commons' Rights Differ from Human Rights
- How Corporate Lobbying on Copyright Threatens Online Freedoms
- Human Dignity
- Human Rights Makerlab
- Pandemic Censorship
- Panics and Persecutions
- Paul Cienfuegos on How Local Communities Are Dismantling Corporate Rule
- Paul Coleman on the State of Global Censorship
- Peer-to-Peer Rights Fund
- People’s Principles To End Mass Surveillance
- Peter Linebaugh on Who Owns the Commons
- Phalanx Initiative
- Political Discrimination, Punishment, , and Self-Censorship in Academia
- Predatory Delay
- Privacy is a Public Good
- Ranking Digital Rights
- Rebecca MacKinnon on Internet Freedom
- Rebekah Barnett and Andrew Lowenthal of Liber-Net on Resisting Censorship
- Reclaiming Feminism from the Logic of the Market
- Recommendations To Defend Yourself Against Cancel Culture Attacks
- RedPaTodos
- Renewable Freedom Foundation
- Repair Coalition
- Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression at the University of Chicago
- Repressive Tolerance
- Right To Capital
- Right to Common as a Basic Human Right
- Right To Common in the Flanders
- Right To Pooling
- Right To Psychological Continuity
- Right to Repair
- Right to Roam
- Right to Self Government
- Right to the Co-City
- Right to the Datafied City
- Rights of Future Generations
- Rightsholdership
- TakeiCoin
- Territories and the Right to Food and Water
- Theodoros Karyotis the Right to the City and Urban Conflicts
- Time Has Come to Socialize Social Media as Public Utilities
- Toronto Declaration on Protecting the Rights to Equality and Non-Discrimination in Machine Learning Systems
- Transparency Does Not Trump Surveillance, Only Privacy Does
- Transparent Society