Open Aerospace

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= Open-Aerospace (OAO) is an online collaboration of volunteers who all share a single goal: getting humanity into space.



"History has shown that progress is most rapid when knowledge and resulting capabilities are shared freely. Competition is only beneficial as long as it is based on the merits of the approach to solving the problem, but not if it is rooted in the seclusion of information. Only with unhindered access to individual achievements can they be used by others as building blocks for the next step.

What would aerospace look like today if Newton had patented F=ma, or Einstein's estate still required a licensing fee for anybody developing matter/energy conversion technologies (E=mc2)? The seclusion of ideas limits review to licensed "experts"; whereas making ideas public enables anybody interested to participate in their discussion and further develop them. Creativity requires no license, just the desire to learn about the problem and search for a solution.

The physics of rocket-science are taught in high schools all over the world. You don't need a PhD in astronautics to understand the difference between a vertical take-off concept and a horizontal take-off concept, and the pros and cons for each. Open-Aerospace (OAO) is an online collaboration of volunteers who all share a single goal: getting humanity into space.

OAO activities are public, and available to others without restrictions for their own uses. OAO retains ownership of its intellectual property solely for the purpose of preventing any limitation of access.

The OAO Charter defines the mission of the organization, the road map to accomplish its goals, the organizational structure, and its core values. OAO has the aim of growing up to be big (really big!), and the charter defines what we want to be when we grow up and how to get there. Look here to understand more about what is at the foundation of this project, and to have your say in where it should be going." (

More Information

  1. Open_Source_Spaceflight_Hardware_Movement