NeuroCommons Project
= seeks to make all scientific research materials - research articles, knowledge bases, research data, physical materials - as available and as usable as they can be.
"The NeuroCommons project seeks to make all scientific research materials - research articles, knowledge bases, research data, physical materials - as available and as usable as they can be. We do this by fostering practices that render information in a form that promotes uniform access by computational agents - sometimes called "interoperability". We want knowledge sources to combine easily and meaningfully, enabling semantically precise queries that span multiple information sources.
Our work covers general data and knowledge sources used in computational biology as well as sources specific to neuroscience and neuromedicine. The practices that we develop and promote are designed to play well on the Semantic Web. We view our technical work not as creating a new service or content library, although we do both, but rather as helping to promote semantically linked scientific information and of generic practices that lead to such a "commons". (