Sabbath Economics Collaborative
= Developing and promoting an economic reading of the Bible and a biblical reading of the economy with a focus on the theological basis and political implications of the Jubilee/Sabbath tradition for our time
The SEC is a national, membership-based network that encourages cooperation and communication among theologians, economists and activists who are working with contemporary issues of faith and economic justice. We are committed to:
- Proclamation: Developing and promoting an economic reading of the Bible and a biblical reading of the economy with a focus on the theological basis and political implications of the Jubilee/Sabbath tradition for our time;
- Pedagogy: Resourcing the work of economic literacy and popular education around domestic and global issues of economic justice in the faith communities;
- Practice: Networking among faith-based experiments in alternative economic discipleship at all levels of the economy and society.
The SEC hosts annual conferences, trainings, conversations, and workshops; promotes such collaborative efforts as joint research, publications and educational designs and resources of members. Check back to this webpage to get more information about upcoming specific conference dates, theme, speakers, workshops, etc." (
More Information
- The primary communication vehicle is this dedicated website. Check back often for new updates. Questions: e-mail us: [email protected].
- Neotraditional Economics
"Basic Texts on the
Theology of Sabbath Economics and Jubilee:
Berry, Wendell. Home Economics. North Point Press, 1987.
Cobb, John B. Sustaining the Common Good: A Christian Perspective of the Global Economy. Pilgrim Press, 1994.
De Graaf, John ed. Take Back Your Time: Fighting Overwork and Time Poverty in America. Berrett Koehler , 2003.
Duchrow, Ulrich. Alternatives to Global Capitalism: Drawn from Biblical History, Designed for Political Action. Consortium, 1996. Also: Global Economy: A Confessional Issue for the Churches? Intl Specialized Book Service Inc, 1987.
Duchrow, Ulrich and Franz J. Hinkelammert. Property for People, Not for Profit - Alternatives to the Global Tyranny of Capital. Zed Books, 2004.
Kinsler, Ross and Gloria. The Biblical Jubilee and the Struggle for Life. Orbis Books, 1999. In Spanish: El Jubileo Biblico y la Lucha por la Vida, Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias, Quito, Ecuador, 2000.
Kinsler, Ross and Gloria (eds.) God's Economy: Biblical Studies from Latin America. Orbis Books, 2005.
Lowery, Richard. Sabbath and Jubilee. Chalice Press, 2000.
Meeks, M. Douglas. God the Economist: The Doctrine of God and Political Economy. Fortress Press, 1989.
Myers, Ched. “…and distributed it to whoever had need.” The Biblical Vision of Sabbath Economics. Tell the Word Press, Church of the Savior, 2001.
Waskow, Arthur. Down-to-Earth Judaism: Food, Money, Sex, and the Rest of Life. Quill, 1997.