Pink Army Cooperative

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= bringing open source principles to healthcare (breast cancer) research



"Pink army isn’t like anything you’ve seen before. A new approach to developing breast cancer treatments. Pink Army is a community-driven, member owned Cooperative operating by open source principles. Using synthetic biology and virotherapy to bring individualized treatments tailored to each patient’s DNA and cancer, faster and cheaper than ever before.

While the traditional approaches to breast cancer have helped in understanding cancer, little progress has been made in the area of treatment. For mid and late stage cancer, the best options are still radiation and chemotherapy. Right now, it takes 15-20 years from the time a new drug is identified before it comes to market. The last big “breakthrough” drug was in 1998, and there are no others on the horizon. We need a change.

We have a new approach to drug development that doesn’t take 15 years. Our mantra isn’t 1 drug for 1 million people. One person, one cancer, one treatment. Pink Army isn’t developing new technologies. There are already hundreds of researchers out there working on the various bits of technologies we’ll be using. One problem is that there is a disconnect from that work to the development of cancer treatments. Pink Army will serve as a container and connector, bringing existing pieces together to develop effective, individualized treatments."