Overview of Defensive Solidarity Mechanisms for Contributors to the Crypto Economy

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Harry Bergeron:

"Defensive Capacities

As I touched on earlier, 5th-Gen Warfare involves all sorts of non-economic measures, cyberattacks, psyops, and additional ways of manipulating the perceptions of large populations, and I have no hope or intention of trying to counter all of them. My reasoning on the matter is while the prevalence of lies can be increased on a whim and cooked up in any number of ways, their cumulative efficacy is inextricably tied to the successful suppression of the truth, which is accomplished in a much more limited selection of methods primarily based around the threat of financial and social penalization. It is through maintaining a laser focus on alleviating these penalties to increase the supply of truth that will destroy this endlessly well-funded web of lies of unparalleled sophistication we’re all working our way through. (Which is again- white pill- already failing).

The following is an abbreviated list of some of the functions I’ve been developing with a team behind closed doors, so forgive me if I don’t provide a full picture of an extremely monetizable elephant and settle for small glimpses from different angles instead- if they intrigue you enough to want to help with deploying a hell of an elephant, you’re welcome to email me. Now, let’s throw out a few toys that would empower nascent Network States while degrading the capacity of Nation-States that would seek to destroy them.

Conditional Funding Pools for Protection & Defection:

The strategic allocation of potential resources for designated targets that are only transferred to these targets when pre-specified criteria are met, verified via voting mechanisms among the relevant parties. This can be used to both insulate members from costs associated with challenging the dominant institutional paradigm, as well as incentivize defection from it. No expense need be made until the transaction is approved and the smart contract executes- until then, no one needs to pay a cent, and yet the pool is there. I’ve covered protecting friends elsewhere, how about weakening enemies? Create a conditional pool of $500k that will only be made available for whistleblowers from your agency of choice and when someone comes forward, donors have no incentive to renege on their commitment. Then do that, like a lot of times. There are lots of agencies; there is a lot of corruption in those agencies; there are also lots of morally torn employees in those agencies. Give ‘em the padded landing they deserve.

Multi-Tiered Mutual Aid Funds and Liquid Philanthropy:

Mutual aid funds within the networks are obvious, but there will be sub-populations within the network that have additional commonalities (shared profession, etc.) as well as people that are part of a handful of other networks, each with their own mutual aid mechanisms. It’ll be a bitch of a UI/UX problem, but layers of security are a good thing. With all of these pledges and/or donations flying around, it might be easier for some people to designate a certain amount of their money to someone they trust to disperse the funds in a manner they’d approve of- like Liquid Democracy, but instead of votes, it’s resources.

Quadratic Funding:

Quadratic funding is a method to amplify donations toward public goods via central subsidies. Ideas and speech from divergent thinkers, along with courage and other high-demand pro-social behaviors can absolutely be considered public goods. There is so much cool shit we can do with this, but I’m not telling you here.

Retroactive Public Goods Funding:

My first published draft intro’d the concept before immediately shutting the door, but I’ll crack it open a few inches to provide an abbreviated hypothetical. Let’s imagine a sub-population of Americans self-selected by their interest in restoring a virtuous elite were to cast preference-weighted votes every 3 months to allocate resources towards figures they felt conducted themselves in a manner befitting of worthy leadership over the previous 9 months. Maybe it doesn’t start that wide immediately- maybe this is a DAO or a Network State or some mix of the two among like-minded circles & companies. Find an ethos you all feel guides your actions and make superlatives to be rewarded on the basis of exemplifying that ethos. What virtues do you seek in others and wish to cultivate in yourself? Balaji’s faction in Silicon Valley is high status enough to where if enough of them took it seriously & those in adjacent spheres followed their lead, that could kick off a chain of widespread Mimetic Desire to cultivate the traits we desire in leadership that will be required to solve a great many problems."
