Open Studios

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= artistic movement trend and US-based music project

Artists using open studios

Corinna Lotz:

"“For absolutely free, anyone can visit any number of studios, look at paintings, sculpture, ceramics and textiles made by talented and highly trained artists, young and old. Unlike the luxurious auction houses of St James where bidding is dominated by hedge fund owners, Russian billionaires, Chinese industrialists, Indian technology entrepreneurs and Middle Eastern sheiks, here original art works can be admired, discussed and even purchased at low prices.

The advent of artist-owned co-operatives like Space (Space Provision, Artistic, Cultural and Educational) Studios, organised by Bridget Riley and Peter Sedgely in 1968, was a pioneering attempt to democratise art production and give artists a space to work. But rising property prices saw commercial factors become increasingly dominant. The famous Space Studios shut down in 2000. Some artists persisted in setting up co-operatives over which they could have control, while others found it easier to operate studios in their own homes. Or they moved to towns or even other countries where low-price spaces could still be found.

Over the last decades more and more artists have continued to group together in a variety of ways - in studio blocks, neighbourhoods or in towns to display their work, meet the public and sell directly to people. At artists’ open studios, there is a democratic spirit, both amongst the creators and the viewers.

Critically acclaimed and successful artists mix and mingle with the unknown and young, subjecting their work to the eyes and comments of anyone who can walk in off the street. Often unsupported by local authorities or sponsors, artists generously offer their time, energy and even refreshments to those who make the effort to drop by.

Just one of many examples is Brockley Open Studios, in south London, which has now been going for 16 years, in which 39 artists opened their homes over the weekend and are keeping them open until this evening. Brockley and other open studios offer a glimpse of the enormous creativity that exists in society at large. Even without great encouragement, people are clearly ready to make sacrifices to do the creative things they consider important. It’s high time that this way of transforming people’s lives was allowed to flourish and spread to society at large.” (

Music Portal

"Open Studios is a project, which started as a response to efforts by corporate special interests determined to perpetuate obsolete business models, using the Internet. Open Studios is a 501(c)(3) organization, recognized in the United States as a charitable organization. The mission is to replenish our precious public domain. One project called, SONG STORM, helps to accomplish that mission by providing a music portal for artists, authors and musicians seeking to enlarge their fan base." (

Song Storm Project

"By creating a model of what our small group envisioned as a future music portal, the project called, SONG STORM, relied on a philosophy that focused on driving listeners to independent musicians’ web sites. The small group behind the SONG STORM project felt that music portals provide an opportunity for artists, authors and musicians to market their works to a global audience through the Internet.

The business model for SONG STORM rejected the idea that visitors to the site needed to stay at the site, thereby giving the site an opportunity to make money. It was believed that the site should provide a service, much in the way search engines behave. At some point, the site would reach a threshold based on attracting a large enough audience, that it would become self-sustaining. The site has been in operation since 2002. It has not reached that threshold as of the time of this writing. Is the model then to be considered a failure?

The answer is simply, no. The model is quite successful. It represents the building blocks needed to be successful. What seems apparent, however, is the lack of community interaction. To address this obstacle, SONG STORM is now in the planning stage of coordinating with Open Studios to add an additional feature called, The Tin Can Antenna Project." (