Open Source Mesh

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= community in favor of Open Source Mesh Networking



"With resources pooled from across the Atlantic Ocean, network professionals from around the world now have a place to collaborate to create a suite of tools to liberate Mesh networks from proprietary solutions and vendors who's business models focus on lock-in techniques centered on secret "black-box" components to create their solutions.

Open Source Mesh was founded by Ian Salmon, Richie Jarvis and Andrew Gearhart on October 7th, 2007 to break this cycle. We, along with nearly 60 other network professionals who formed in less than one week, intend to develop a solution that allows Wireless Internet Service Providers to equip themselves to operate from every aspect of WISP management from firmware flashing/deployment to node management and user billing. Open Source Mesh aims to develop solutions from every angle." (

More Information

  1. Meraki Mesh Networks