Open Payment
Form of payment whereby it is the client who freely decides what the value of a provided service is.
"Entrepreneur Sanne Roemen never makes an invoice. She lets her clients decide what they want to pay her. And how they want to pay her. Sanne, who consults on how companies can apply web 2.0 principles in their business, knows by experience by now that clients generally pay her three times as much as she would have offered before the job was done. The side-effect of clients paying less than expected therefore isn’t too much of a problem. “I can’t determine for the client what the value of my services is. That’s something which is different for everybody”. Although Sanne totally trusts on her clients to judge her value added, so far she hasn’t had any negative experiences. Above that, it’s part of the entrepreneurial risk. “When making an offer it’s exiting to see whether or not you’ll get the job. Now it’s exiting to see how much you get once the job is finished”.
Michiel Kahmann from Pentascope says that determining the value of a service is generally difficult. However he does think that this is the way the economy is headed. ” There are many young people who you can’t bind with a paycheck and who are interested in more than money, such as their own development. If you put things in a formal contract, that might be clear, but it also prevents people from being creative”." (