From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Everywhere
* Book: 40 DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD: From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Everywhere. Greg Mitchell. Sinclair Books, 2011
From the publisher:
"It started with a single e-mail blast, then a Twitter hash tag, but now it is the leading political and social movement in the United States: Occupy Wall Street. Occupy camps have now formed at hundreds of sites – from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine—and around the world. Now, in the first book about the movement, Greg Mitchell charts “40 Days That Shook the World: From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Everywhere.”
For weeks, Mitchell, author of a dozen previous books, has written the popular OccupyUSA live-blog at The Nation magazine’s site. No one has followed the movement more closely on an almost hour-by-hour basis. Now, in the new book, he presents a “living” history, a day-by-day chronology of the movement from October 1, 2011 to November 9, 2011, available only as an e-book. He calls it a living history because it contains more than a thousand clickable links to most of the key documents, articles, videos, and speeches that have emerged from the early weeks of the movement. NOTE: The book has now been updated to cover events through November 20.
It’s a book to be read, but also used as a research tool – now, or in years ahead, by activists, journalists and historians alike. And it can be downloaded for most electronic devices: Kindles, phones, iPad, Blackberry, Macs and PCs.
Fifty cents of every purchase will go directly to Occupy Wall Street, with the aim of helping to feed and shelter campers.
Mitchell is the author of such acclaimed books as “The Campaign of the Century” (winner of the Goldsmith Book Prize), “So Wrong for So Long” and, with Robert Jay Lifton, “Hiroshima in America.” His most recent books are “Atomic Cover-Up,” “The Age of WikiLeaks” and “Bradley Manning.” He is the former editor of Editor & Publisher magazine.
After kicking off with a preface, and three key “founding documents” for the Occupy movement, “40 Days That Shook the World” introduces its detailed chronology, with countless embedded links. Along the way to November 9, it offers a feel for the national movement, from a General Assembly in Tampa .to a General Strike in Oakland. We are there for all of the major showdowns and arrests: in Boston, in Chicago, in Dallas and Tucson -- and the amazing show of resistance that led police to postpone evictions in New York, San Francisco and Portland.
The cast of characters, besides the hundreds of thousands of anonymous activists, includes this range of well-known figures: Michael Moore, Tom Morello, Naomi Klein, the Hipster Cop, Chris Hedges, Scott Olsen, the mysterious but omnipresent Mike Chec, and on and on. But it’s the everyday Occupyers who are the true stars – and “leaders.”