Evolution of Modes of Awareness Through Triggering Events

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Richard Barrett:

"Triggering events

The emergence of Homo sapiens > Clan Awareness

Clan Awareness is the first worldview to be associated with anatomically modern humans. Our early ancestors lived in small, mobile kinship groups. The depth of the kinship bonds – helping each other to survive and keep safe – was the key reason for the emergence of Clan Awareness.

Some clans never shifted to the worldview of Tribe Awareness because they lived in isolated communities. Their territories were never disputed, and they were always able to sustain their lifestyle inside their physical framework of existence.

Agriculture > Tribe Awareness

When clans began to settle in areas suitable for growing food crops and keeping herds of animals – enduring food security – populations began to expand. Kinship groups in the same are intermarried and formed tribes with a shared ethnic identity. This was the beginning of Tribe Awareness.

Some tribes have not moved to the worldview of State Awareness because their territory was either too remote or lacking in resources to be taken over by a larger, more powerful tribe.

Climate change I > State Awareness

Around 10,000 years ago, when the glaciers of the last Ice Age began to retreat, monsoon rains started to sweep across the arid deserts of North Africa (the Sahara region) and East Asia. The rains turned the deserts into fertile lands. Tribes expanded into these areas and established human settlements. Around 5,000 years later, as the glaciers retreated, the rains stopped, and the deserts returned.

The shift in climate caused mass migrations from the desert regions to adjacent fertile areas, triggering competition for territory. Armies were formed, and wars ensued. This was the start of empire building for the purpose of obtaining power. It was also the time when women became subservient to the needs of men. We entered the era of State Awareness.

Some states have not moved to the worldview of Nation Awareness because they are governed by self-serving, corrupt leaders who are unwilling to give up control of their country.

The adoption of a State religion > Nation Awareness

Around 300 AD the King of Armenia adopted Christianity as the State religion and shortly thereafter in 380 AD Christianity was adopted as the State religion of the Roman Empire. Around 630 AD Muhammad the prophet of Islam succeeded in uniting the tribes of Arabia into a single religious polity.

The marrying of Church and State into a political unity in Europe and the Middle East was the beginning of the worldview of Nation Awareness. It brought order to the political chaos of State Awareness and made religious principles the cornerstone of the administration of justice. This was the start of empire building for the purpose of religious domination.

Some nations have not moved to the worldview of Wealth Awareness because the leaders, the aristocracy and the ‘establishment’ are unwilling to give up their privileges and/or their religious authority.

The adoption of secularism > People Awareness

Secularism emerged in Europe in the 16th century when human reason triumphed over religious dogma. This opened the door to scientific investigation, took religion out of the administration of justice and made wealth the measure of a person’s worth. Respect and recognition were given to those who had the most riches, made the most important scientific discoveries and achieved popular notoriety in some way or another. This was the start of the worldview of Wealth Awareness and empire building for the purpose of commercial interests.

Some nations have not moved to the worldview of People Awareness because the governing elites, their financial backers and corporate interests are unwilling to give up the influence they have over government policymaking.

The adoption of women’s voting rights

Up to the late 19th century democracy was the exclusive purview of men. Women were not allowed to vote, nor stand for election as representatives of the people. Increasingly vociferous and violent demonstrations by women’s movements changed this situation. Gradually nations began to recognize women’s right to participate in the governance of the community and the nation.

The first nation to grant such rights to women was New Zealand (1893). This was quickly followed by Australia (1902), Finland (1906), Norway (1913), Denmark and Iceland (1915), Canada (1917), Germany and Austria (1918), the Netherlands and Luxembourg (1919), and Sweden (1921). For the most part these are the nations that are now operating from the worldview of People Awareness and the upper levels of Wealth Awareness – the nations that are getting ready to graduate to People Awareness. Full voting rights were not accorded to women in the UK and the US until 1928.

Climate crisis II > Humanity Awareness

The only thing that will trigger the shift from People Awareness to Humanity Awareness is a crisis of global proportions. That crisis is now upon us: it is called the climate crisis. The climate crisis will trigger the worldview of Humanity Awareness because it affects every human being on the planet. To combat this threat, we must embrace a higher-order level of identity/awareness – one that supports the future well-being of the human race.

The first nations to shift to Humanity Awareness are likely to be those nations operating from People Awareness. The glue of identity in People Awareness is country of residence. The glue of identity in Humanity Awareness is our shared humanity. It is the first transnational identity because it includes all human souls.

So, what is preventing nations currently operating from the worldview of People Awareness shifting to Humanity Awareness? The answer to this question is simple – it is because they cannot do it alone. The worldview of Humanity Awareness demands that we rise above our identity differences and work together for the good of the whole. We will only be able to do this if we let go of our ego-driven, power-seeking partisan politics and shift to a higher level of identity/awareness that embraces everyone." (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/worldview-dynamics-richard-barrett/)

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