Economic Space Agency
= protocols and distributed platforms for creating global value-aligned economic spaces
See also: The ECSA Economic White Paper
"Economic Space Agency is a group of radical economists, finance theorists, computer scientists, software architects, game designers, peer production experts, and decentralized application engineers ... working on creating the new stack of economic and informational freedom."
2. Dick Bryan:
"The Economic Space Agency (ECSA) formed around deconstructing the power of capital, especially finance and its innately centralised form, and reconstructing an alternative of distributed power, creating new economic space and giving people agency to operate and navigate it. It is a call to rethink how we can build the conditions for a postcapitalist economy."
"Just like physical space, we often take for granted the rules and incentives of the economic spaces we inhabit and participate in. Banks, corporations, marketplaces and even social networks are kinds of economic spaces that operate on conventional economic logics of price competition and scarcity. ECSA offers the possibility to change these rules by realigning motivations, distributing equity, designing new forms of social interaction and by creating new economic space itself.
ECSA is powered by Agoric technology – a next-generation distributed computing, smart contracts platform – that allows for the creation of genuinely decentralized governance. Agoric combines blockchain technology with cryptographic capabilities (e-rights) to generate resilient and interoperable networks, where only the parties to a contract participate in its execution, replication and verification.
ECSA gives individuals, communities, organizations and networks innovative instruments to create new economic incentive structures that match their values and visions. Our tools provide ways to align economic value with social value by incentivizing cooperation and fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. With the ECSA platform, people can build, with other economic spaces, an emergent ecosystem founded on intentions of collaboration, reciprocity and abundance."
2. ECSA Team:
"The next step takes the logic further: not only stealing from the rich and giving to the poor (like Robin Hood did), but exploring, building new ecologies, new ecosystems, new universes, new possibilities, new worlds of value. For this purpose the Robin Hood hydra grew a new head: a start-up company Economic Space Agency, Inc. (ECSA). Economic Space Agency builds tools with which we can create economic space — not only to distribute something existing or produced in a pre-existing space, but to reorganize/rebuild the space itself. Two trends are converging and making open source economy possible: the moldability and plasticity of financial technologies and the decentralization and disintermediation provided by distributed ledgers.
ECSA’s DNA contains all these things: hard core research (the team has published over 25 books), direct engagement with the power of art to create unforeseen (economical, social, political, financial, incorporeal) processes, financial first-in-the-world inventions (such as a hedge fund as a coop, and asset-backed cryptoequity), experimental hands-on attitude and an intimate lived experience of how the financial and the social co-determine each other.
We are developing tools with which you can tailor your own economic space, a place where we can autonomously set the parameters and attractors of our economic behaviour. The name of our first product, Sherwood, reflects the spirit of finding a place to plan, experiment and act together. It offers you a space and tools to “phase transition” what you are doing or want to do into a liquid form both financially and socially.
The new network technologies will produce a radically different economy. We are building tools for you to start exploring and operating it." (
Akseli Virtanen:
"The ECSA Stack in incubation:
Gravity is a resilient distributed application runtime that empowers safe computational semantics, cryptographically secure protocols and orthogonally persistent state. The Gravity protocol is a language based on lambda calculus, prototypes, object capabilities and message passing to create distributed applications. Gravity Applications are executed on top of this runtime, and selectively share protocols, state and computation. Gravity provides informational freedom by shifting computational power securely back to the nodes of the network, allowing control of our own computation, computational resources, and access to them.
Space is a SDK for cryptographically enabled distributed economic-organizational applications, AKA “economic spaces”, “tokens 2.0” and “networks of contingent claims.” Space is a modular pattern language for economic interactions, enabling not only distributed exchange, but distributed value production and its organization and governance.
In Space:
- all data has the capabilities of a token, allowing it to also behave like a token (allowing the security and distributability of a token, capturability of value, and distribution of governance)
- all interactions are capable of being articulated as offers, making them potentially economic
- all relations are capable of becoming organizational/governmental (persistent, path creating), establishing programmable organizations and governable business logics
- all created economies (“economic spaces”) are fully executable: whatever you express can be run as an actual economy
Space provides economic freedom by turning economy into a mode of expression and a place of creation (allowing everyone to become an economic pattern creator, a writer and reader of derivatives).
Xccelerator provides psychological and affective freedom from the old patterns of the old economy. It is an incubator-accelerator of new economic space creation and implementation, for exploring new ways of doing economy. "
Protocol Directory
A partition resistant, scalable P2P exchange. Facilitates parity path of any tokenized information into any other among n-parties without a central state/global replication. Creates a “space of exchange” for different social meanings, properties & intentions to become expressible & exchangeable.
Payments and settlements without ‘money’. By issuing and matching liquidity tokens agents gain the capability to create and enter the P2P credit and clearing network in the DXP protocol. Offer matching mediated by a shared unit of account and exchange and settlement enabled by netting w/o the need to “hold” the unit, creates a system for securing liquidity w/o the need to control the issuance of a “money”.
Designability of risk-sharing relationships. By issuing and matching stake token offers agents gain capability to create and enter a P2P stakeholding network in the DXP protocol. Allows new forms of sharing risk & upside directly among peers and designability of these forms; you can stakehold around values and networks that you value.
Informational value expression. Performance scripting and data indexing protocol for expressing what is valuable. Allows anything that can be perceived as an information event to be articulated as valuable and a basis of “ surplus” generation and derivative instrumentation (tokens). Together they form mechanisms for collectively narrating and navigating the economy."
Ideological Sources
ECSA Team:
"Back in the day we were a group of hard core researchers of the coming forms of economy and organization.
We knew that it will not be a picnic when we started using thinkers like Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, and then the Italian autonomist writers, Toni Negri, Christian Marazzi, Paolo Virno, Maurizio Lazzarato, Franco Berardi, and others like Gabriel Tarde, Gilbert Simondon, George Bataille, Alfred North Whitehead, Rene Girard to study and understand economy, finance and organization. But we knew that this was the right way if we were to really grasp how post-Fordist economy, semiocapitalism, immaterial and affective labor, and the financial technologies work and intertwine with our destiny.
With these thinkers we were able to discern a couple of interesting things:
— How signs and meanings are part of real production and not only some kind ideology or superstructure of production. They have historically different ways of functioning.
— How the dynamic of the production of value is in the organization of a heterogeneity, of heterogeneous forces, and not only in the relationship between capital and labor.
— How information overflow and semiotic inflation lead to imitation.
— How finance can curb time, how it is essentially a technology to affect the future from the present.
— How economy is essentially about organization, not of action, but its potentiality.
— What is the nature of an organization which is not based on division of work, but on dividing into an open space, on opening to the uncertain and indeterminate possibility.
— How the meaning of autonomy is in internal displacements, shiftings, iterations, settlings and dissolutions that are the process of the self-composition. That autonomy means to be able to set the attractors of one’s own behavior.
So they helped us understand how the paradoxes of immaterial production and precarious work, the blurring of the boundaries between economy and politics, cause problems to the approaches and distinctions of industrial economy and its institutions."
The predecessor: the Robin Hood Asset Management 'hedge fund with a twist'
ECSA Team:
"Our pilot in hacking finance to create new social and financial forms was Robin Hood Asset Management — a hedge fund with a twist. In fact, three twists. First, it is a cooperative. Individuals who buy shares become members and decide how the coop is run. One member, one vote. Second, per the Robin Hood principle, part of the profit generated by the fund is invested into projects building the commons. Third, the money put into the fund is managed by an algorithm called “the Parasite”. She logs into the brains of the bankers at Wall Street, deconstructs them into databanks, and uses big data analysis and structured finance to share their most important means of production to everyone.
By creating in our portfolio a synthetic replica of the emerging conventions of the financial elite at the market, we create a simulacrum, a monstrous false power, whose repetition yields a difference in kind. A bad copy of the financial asset accumulation model opens suddenly into something else. We copy the most important means of production of the fat cats at Wall Street — their knowledge, relations, positions — and use them in a way that does not belong to the orthodox economic space. This is what we call minor asset management.
Robin Hood, as an umbrella term, is a project towards giving people access to the operating system of finance, to open source finance. At the moment it is in the process of transitioning its member and share management on the Ethereum blockchain, which makes possible an effective secondary market for coop shares and the deployment of new algorithms, in addition to the Parasite. The new one in development is a shorting target identification algorithm called the “Sting”. Moreover, members can start managing and curating commons-oriented projects directly, without the need for overarching decisions by the whole coop. This is the vision for Robin Hood: to merge and re-engineer the financial and the social so that new forms become possible." (
The political aim is to open, within capitalism, a spread of calculative systems and values
Dick Bryan:
"ECSA and its Protocols book is a project designed to move beyond seeking the political solidarity of articulate critique (Bryan et al., Reference Bryan, López and Virtanen2023). Its project is to utilise distributed ledger technology and an expanded accounting grammar as a foundation to explore how something progressive can be built that is both specific to the current period of financially dominated capitalism and utilises (rather than resists) current financial analytics. There are of course no truths here, but a couple of core propositions warrant noting at the outset:
1. The revelation in 2009 of blockchain ledgers (in the form of Bitcoin) created the possibility, largely neglected over the subsequent decade, of a record-keeping system that does not have to replicate a capitalist mode of calculating. It does not have to adopt its unit of account, its accounting system that defines all entries by reference to profit criteria. Nor must it replicate the state’s money – its functions, issuance, or verification system. Perhaps, we need to recognise, finance is not the natural enemy of postcapitalism. Indeed, its reach, both spatially and temporally, embeds a sociality that is invaluable. But how can we use this technology to shift the debate about finance and money beyond the critique of monopoly power and beyond state-underwriting of private credit issuance, to questions of who has the right to issue credit, and of what conditions would give that issuance social reputation and trust? How can credit be the glue that binds a network in cohesion rather than the wedge that fractures it in exploitation?
2. This same distributed ledger system opened the possibility for distributed social decision-making, and at scale (something coherently coordinated and way beyond the spatial reach of community economies). Data gathering and mining could record and process infinite voting processes. The challenge for postcapitalism is how to make this capacity for real-time decision- and sense-making about what to produce (or ‘perform’), what constitutes ‘value’, and how to govern value creation and surplus production and distribution, without deference to know-all central planners and without descending into endless consensus-seeking collective meetings that require time to stand still. What if distributed ledger technology could enable decision- and sense-making via automated market order matching, credit clearing, and portfolio rebalancing, all at scale and without the need for a central clearing house? This is the protocol ECSA is building (the economic space protocol) and whose grammar is explained within Protocols. We hold that the new substrate of high-speed computer networks with which the economy is catching up is a critical new basis on which to imagine, and then design, the essential elements of a postcapitalist alternative. But for this to become possible, we need also to expand the economic calculative logic with which we currently compute.
The political claim, therefore, is not to provide the seeds of a mass movement, but to open, within capitalism, a spread of calculative systems and values."
Token as a Derivative and a Gift
Draft 'ECSA ECONOMIC IDEAS' [1] from May 2018
- TOKEN AS A DERIVATIVE AND A GIFT. On inalienable circulation of objects
By Benjamin Lee, ECSA Advisor (Prof. of Anthropology and Philosophy, The New School, NYC):
"This working draft builds upon two extremely provocative lines of thought by members of ECSA, Dick Bryan and Akseli Virtanen’s resetting of the cryptoeconomics agenda and Brian Massumi and Erin Manning’s 99 Theses on Revaluation of Value. Both try to provide a framework for understanding what Dick and Akseli call “cryptoeconomics”. Dick and Akseli provide some of the intellectual landscape needed for any future discussion of cryptocurrencies while Brian and Erin provide guidelines for the construction of a future social imaginary for cryptotokens, particularly as being developed now by ECSA. Of course, each draws upon the tools of their training, the political economist-finance theorists providing an exciting overview of both traditional economic and current cryptocurrency thinking, while Brian and Erin apply their path breaking work on “affect theory” to the problem of the quantitative subsumption of the creative potential of cryptocurrencies in contemporary capitalism.
I’m going to take a slightly different route.
My thinking comes out of the work on volatility that I’m doing with Emanuel Derman (dir.,Financial engineering program, Columbia University; former Dir. Quantitative strategies, Goldman Sachs) and Ackbar Abbas (prof., comp.lit., UCI). As Dick and Akseli point out, most of the economic thinking about cryptocurrencies focuses on their role as money; 99 Theses differs from many of these accounts by placing the discussion in the non-standard context - for economists! - of Marx’s theory of money and capital (without emphasizing the labor theory of value), pointing out that M-C-M’ describes how capitalism subsumes both economic and social processes for the production of surplus value.
I’d like to build off of Brian’s discussion of Marx, especially using the interpretation of Moishe Postone, to suggest that cryptotokens, especially conceived more broadly as cryptographically enabled decentralized economic-organizational systems, should be thought of introducing a new type of social relationship, which will ultimately turn out to have the properties of a derivative; prematurely thinking about the potential of cryptotokens as money may cause us to overlook the magnitude of the social breakthrough on which the success of any cryptocurrency depends. Instead, we might indulge in leap of imagination: what are the effects of introducing a form of social mediation that is unforgeable, continuously updated, publicly distributed, and that in principle everyone has access to?
I also want to say that these ideas are preliminary and very much in formation. But this is what draws me to ECSA. We are feeding each other’s creativity and imagination in economic thinking. It turns economy into a place of creation.
I wrote a longish review of 99 Theses that isn’t completely wrong, but it is incomplete — I kind of ran out of steam at the end, especially when I hit Brian’s speculations about Peirce and the continuum hypothesis. However in my mind the starting point for thinking about cryptotokens is what kind of social relationships are created by a non-forgeable, distributed ledger that records social relationships even as it disintermediates them. It’s not a face-to-face exchange relationship, but a species of what Michael Warner and others have called “stranger mediation,” which is presupposed by a range of social categories of modernity from nationalism (“we, the people”) to markets; it’s a fundamental assumption in Simmel and the cultural politics of the Frankfurt School in which, as Moishe Postone has pointed out, relative surplus value (not absolute surplus value) becomes the dominant form of social mediation characterized by an accelerating temporal dynamic. The contemporary form of “stranger mediated” social relationships would include the internet, and cryptotokens’ use of randomness (i.e, volatility) makes it less like standard accounts of money and more like derivatives (which price volatility and take as their model the randomness of Brownian motion).
Several people in our group have suggested that derivatives might make a good framework for understanding cryptotokens. What I would like to suggest is that derivatives provide an interesting framework to understand the neglected social dimensions of cryptotokens because they can be traced back to the “gift,” which anthropologists argue is the fundamental social relationship out of which more complex ones are built. The derivative is not only the immanent realization of (what Marx called) relative surplus value but it also antedates the simple form of value, which is where Marx’s account of money begins.
The Marxist story is usually told as a trajectory that starts with the simple form of value, moves through the money dialectic, and ends with M-C-M’ (the transformation of Money into Commodities into More Money); in relative surplus value the excess M’ is produced by technological competition and innovation. Finance capital is seen as non-productive and derivative finance is thus “fictitious” or “speculative” capital” as are cryptocurrencies. Derivatives are not seen as the culmination of any systematic line of development but are assigned marginal status from the standpoint of production even as their notional value is now over ten times global GDP.
However, overlooked in most commentaries about money and capital in Marx is a short section in chapter two where Marx talks about societies such as the “Indian commune” or “Inca state” that do not have “alienable exchange,” which is a condition for commodity exchange in the simple form of value. But such societies are what anthropologists call “gift societies” in which the circulation of objects is not the free exchange of things among individuals in a “relationship of reciprocal isolation and foreignness” but among “dividuals” whose relationships are performatively created by the exchanges themselves. In such societies, things exchanged partake of the “substance” of the exchangers and are not viewed as independent of the agents involved (food exchange in caste systems in India, for example) as they are in the exchange of commodities in the simple form of value.
But as Pierre Bourdieu showed, gifts are “commensurated” by the later return of “counter-gifts”; people and groups build up “portfolios” of social claims and obligations, which need to be maintained and exercised before they begin to lose their value. Since these claims and obligations are often overlapping, and involve different payoffs and expirations, there is an “art” to giving and receiving gifts that lie at the heart of “primitive economies”; these systems of exchange become elaborated into inter-tribal cultural economies such in the kula of the Trobriands or the potlatch of the Kwakiutal, to name two of the more famous examples.
Instead of the exchange of objects that were thought to be independent of their “owners” (alienable exchange), in gift societies the objects exchanged were integral parts of relationships with others, a part of yourself or spirit that circulated among consociates and kin (or even enemies as in the case of witchcraft). In the famous Kula ring, Kula valuables were circulated for purposes of accruing status and prestige and sharply distinguished from objects that could be bartered and exchanged. Kula valuables did not serve any economic function but rather established the framework of meaning for its participating societies, which consisted of eighteen relatively isolated island communities held together by networks of differential status. The circulating valuables established framework of status and prestige that modulated a social system of affects and emotions that encompassed the whole Kula despite its dispersed populations—both the consociates who lived on the same island and those whom one might never meet—a precursor to the “stranger mediation” of modern societies in which the people that make up a social collectivity may never know or have contact with one another.
While Marx’s money dialectic gave a picture that started with simple exchange and ended with money as mediating a totality of value that it created, his comments about alienability indicate mistakenly that the precursor to money as a medium of exchange and store of value would be the “alienable” objects circulated via barter and exchange, and not Kula valuables or their inalienable counterparts in gift societies. Marx even states that the “exchange of commodities begins where communities have their boundaries, at their points of contact with other communities” and only work inwards from the margins. Since gift givers and takers were not seen as independent of the social relationships in which they were embedded, anthropologists of India and Melanesia developed the term “dividuals” (which Deleuze independently coined) to contrast with the autonomous “individuals” of capitalism. In such societies, “gifts” would not function as medium of exchange or unit of account, but rather as indices of sociability that give meaning to what is happening as it happens. In the case of the Kula, the circulating valuables keep the Kula operating by creating a shared framework of status and prestige across the island communities that ranks and aligns the various groups and determines the appropriate social relations between them, including those in barter. The flow of affective sentiments subsumes the economic by defining the social groups that barter and exchange.
Gift societies circulate objects as “archives” of value without direct alienable exchange; as Bourdieu points out, there is an interval between the gift and its return; simultaneous return is considered an insult. The simple form of value collapses the interval into the event of exchange. The Kula shows that the functions normally associated with money as unit of account, medium of exchange, and store of value can be separated; the alienable exchange of commodities in the simple form of value begins to bring all these separate functions together, which will result in the “money form”. Kula valuables are neither a medium of exchange nor a unit of account but could be said to be a store of value that indexes the structure of groups and their history, which are enacted and updated in ritual and myth. The cycles of ritualized gift giving are the social modulations of affect driven by culturally specific “sentiments” such as honor and “face.” The circulating valuables not only subsume “economic” exchanges under affective modulations of social values such as honor (sensibilities embodied in what Bourdieu called “habitus”) but also act as updatable frameworks of meaning that constitute who is “in” or “out.” In Outline of a Theory of Practice, Bourdieu shows how Kabyle society is organized around a constant flow of ordinary gifts (cooked foods such as “couscous with a bit of cheese”) punctuated by the extraordinary gifts of major festivals (weddings and births), all organized around nif or the point (“nose”) of honor, which acted as the “affect modulator” for the whole system.
Can we extend these insights about “money” in pre-capitalist societies to our present situation?
Much of the excitement around cryptotokens is the possibility of creating a “society” organized around decentralized access to money and information. In gift societies, even as they were organized around qualitative intensities and “played” with the differentials of intensive magnitudes, social reproduction depended upon asymmetries of information, status, and power: power and status were based on differential access to information, often encoded in valuable objects (the precursors to money) such as the famous cowrie shells of the Kula ring or the copper "jewelry" of the Kwakiutl. These valuable objects were not only distinguished from those exchanged in barter (for which the Trobriands had a special term, gimwali) but were also embodiments of the value system that organized the Kula, i.e. it held the various groups together in a system of differential circulation and exchange.
In his reanalysis of the gift, Bourdieu suggests that the meaning and value of a gift is conferred by its countergift, which can’t be immediate because that would be an insult. Gifts are contingent upon their expiration—their value is fixed via a ritualized “retro-performativity” in which the value of the gift offered is conferred by the gift returned (Elie Ayache would argue for a similar “backwards performativity” for the pricing of options). Gifts are thus pre-monetary contingent claims and obligations—i.e. derivatives. In this sense derivatives antedate money as a form of social mediation—whole systems of ritualized exchange are built around gift exchange, as Mauss catalogued in his class, The Gift.
We can thus interpret Marx as having a proto-form of the derivative in the gift that antedates the money dialectic. At the end of the trajectory of money and capital lies the financial derivative; the immanent realization of relative surplus value is the derivative, or perhaps more precisely, the option (not the forward or future). The connection between the derivative and relative surplus value is that they share the property of convexity and involve arbitrage, which absolute value does not. The difference between absolute and relative surplus value is one of the major theses of Poston’s Labor, Time, and Domination, which focuses almost exclusively on the social effects of the “treadmill” dynamic of relative surplus value as it spreads as a social mediation. Absolute surplus value is linear in structure with a constant relation between labor time and value; the more one works the more value produced. However, relative surplus value being innovation driven is convex (the payoff for a successful innovation is far more than its costs, hence has an asymmetric positive payoff) and subject to an arbitrage structure. When an innovation first appears, there are two “prices”-–that of the innovation and the socially necessary labor time of competing commodities—an arbitrage opportunity that the capitalist takes advantage of. Convexity and arbitrage combine in Black-Scholes to price a new form of abstraction, volatility as opposed to the directional risk. Portfolio theory and CAPM are linear (covariance is linear), whereas Black-Scholes doesn't even have the expected return of the stock as a parameter, only its volatility. This suggests that by tracing out the interplay between the convexity of relative surplus value and its arbitrage, the immanent potential of relative surplus value is the non-arbitrage, convex structure of the derivative. If this argument is correct, then rather than derivative finance being "fictitious" it is rather the immanent realization of capital itself.
If the derivative is both the “primitive” social form of circulation and the immanent realization of capital, then it is not money that is at the heart of thinking though the social implications of cryptotokens. We won’t understand their social potential if we think of them as simply forms of money. It’s implicit in the language of cryptotokens, which require “coin offerings” before they can function as monies. But where does this sociality reside that must be invoked for any coin to succeed? Could we develop a coin to measure its own possibility of success? Instead of thinking about thinking about coins, perhaps we have to ask what are the social implications of the distributed ledger at the heart of cryptotokens? A non-forgeable distributed ledger that contains its own updateable history and removes the middle-man is a new type of social relationship that isn’t present in the dividualized non-alienable gift circulation systems that anthropologists once studied in which the status of “big men,” chiefs, and gods provided the engine of social circulation. What is the effect of introducing a form of social mediation that is unforgeable, publicly distributed, and that everyone in principle has access to? What would happen if the mediations that created and held together social groups did not rely upon asymmetries of knowledge and information but were instead like the protocols embedded in cryptocurrencies that moved social groups towards creating decentralized processes of potentially universally shared, transparent, and symmetric information and knowledge? Social reproduction would not be organized around certain groups having privileged access to "valuable" information, but rather everyone having access to the same information. And, as ECSA plans, everyone having access to the capabilities of designing and issuing these engines of social circulation. Imagine issuing your own rituals.
Cryptocurrencies apply this distributed ledger to monetized transactions, but its logic could be applied to other areas of non-monetized exchange. Imagine elections or histories “written and ratified from below”—what would the official Chinese dynastic histories look like if they were written in the form a distributed ledger that was continuously updated and confirmed by the “people”? Randy Martin gave the example of the development of skateboarding in LA during the early seventies as a form of qualitatively “risking together,” which spread rapidly as a way for people to enjoy themselves when they couldn’t surf. With the invention of polyurethane wheels skateboarders faced the question of whether they should commercialize—how did they turn their new way of qualitatively exploring volatility into a technological innovation that would bring in the profits of their quantitative subsumption under capitalism? As Brian and Erin raise the question, how do we “ward away” the premature quantitative subsumption of qualitatively based creativities to create a holding environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish? How do we develop measures of the circulation and expansion of intensive magnitudes that can be converted or exchanged for outside “monies” when the participants decide that is necessary or desireable?" (
More information
- The ECSA Stack