CQ - Collaborative Intelligence

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= the ability to create, contribute to, and harness the power within networks of people and relationships


From chapter 5 of Teaching an Anthill to Fetch by Stephen James Joyce:

"Whether it is two cells sharing information or two nations negotiating international trade, connection is an essential factor in how things play out. Communication is impossible without ‘connection’ and in many respects it is the core issue of this book. Connection makes communication possible; communication makes collaboration possible which further enhances the state of connection. [Possibly use a simple diagram of this instead] Connection is a fundamental principle of all living systems, and this includes all those that make up human society (teams, organizations etc.).

In this chapter we explore how important ‘connection’ is in building resilient teams and at the same time further enhance our own collaborative intelligence (CQ). We will also look at the part ‘CQ’ will play in the increasingly flattened structures of modern companies and the resilient teams that are required to make the whole thing work.

Daniel Golemans’ work around the concept of emotional intelligence (EQ) was a major step forward in the thinking of how we operate as human beings. EQ is especially important because of the extent to which it was accepted by the business community. Indeed the concept of EQ has already made its way through the ‘early-adopters’ and into the mainstream. It is time for another set of skills to be introduced – based upon the ability to collaborate."

More Information

  1. Collaborative Intelligence