Teaching an Anthill to Fetch
Book: Teaching an Anthill to Fetch - Developing Collaborative Intelligence @ Work. Stephen James Joyce. Mighty Small Books, 2007.
Book introducing CQ - Collaborative Intelligence
From the publisher:
"An anthill can survive and feed itself in some of the most hostile environments. No single ant knows how it all works – nor does it need to. Individually ants are pretty dumb creatures, collectively they are very smart. Human beings, on the other hand, are individually very smart and collectively, well….
In the environment we live in today, never has our ability to ‘pull together’ been more important or more challenged. Developing ways of collaborating becomes a game everyone needs to play. Collaborative Intelligence (or CQ) exists in all groups and is defined as the harnessed intelligence and energy of networks of people. Highly successful organizations are those with the most collaboratively intelligent teams – this is no accident.
‘Teaching an Anthill to Fetch’ ( [1] )provides a practical outline of how to develop collaborative intelligence within groups, teams and organizations. At the end of each chapter there are ‘CQ Tools’ – exercises that enable the reader to explore the skills that develop ‘CQ’.
Intended Audience: Anyone working within a team setting within business, team members, team-leads, and professionals involved in team / organizational development.
Author’s Background:
From the publisher:
"Descending from a long line of storytellers, Stephen James Joyce ( [2]) was raised on a 22-acre farm in Northern Ireland in the height of the ‘troubles’. Although the Irish were warm and kind, they collaborated very poorly. Stephen became fascinated with what enables people to ‘get on’ and what can be achieved when people collaborate. For over a quarter of a century, he has been researching the dynamics of change, problem resolution, group dynamics and his greatest passion - collaborative intelligence. Stephen is extensively trained in NLP, facilitation, improv, training and development design, and group dynamic techniques. Stephen is an International speaker,best selling author and business consultant. He is also the resilience content expert for one of Canada’s largest health regions."
More Information:
See our entry on Stigmergy.
For the book: Sandra Gale, Mighty Small Books Publishing, [email protected]