Taxation of Economic Rent To Capture It as Public Value
* Article: The Hidden Physics of Human Progress and Poverty —∙Stephen I. Ternyik. Contribution submission to the conference Regensburg 2019.
"The Sisyphean root cause (history repeating) joint economic maladies is the gradually exceeding volume of economic rent (unearned income), which is extracted from the working body economic. This economic version of phlebotomy (blood-letting) seems to occur in cyclical patterns (slow-down after boom), when financial investments are massively directed into physical assets (land location value, real estate), which reduces vital liquidity for further economic growth. The only ’medical’ rem-edy against this cyclical phenomenon is to tax economic rent and to recapture it as public revenue."
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Background to a cooperative project involving the author:
"In the framework of New Economic Conjuncture, we established the "Win-win-win Papakonstantinidis Model" LAB as a virtual space of open discussion in the SOCIO-ECONOMIC scientific field as a public branch of Mariinskaya Academy (Moscow, Russia). This LAB is intended to have an international role. From this point of economic cognition and practice: 1. we start, the scientific dialogue on economic inequalities 2. we start, a dialogue on meta-capitalist evolution 3. new socio-economic trends on the globe 4. new economic bargaining models 5 .the sociobargaining perpective 6. empirical experiences, e.g. case studies 7 .the whole sensitization process.
- Prof Em. Leonidas A. Papakonstantinidis