Talk:Women Active in Libre Commons
Finish porting
This somewhat orphaned page definitely belongs on the P2PF wiki. Today I will finish copying over any talks on the Disintermedia version that aren't yet on the P2PF version, copy the development notes to this page, and retire the Dis version of the page. --Strypey (talk) 08:05, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
- This is now complete. I've also alphabetized the lists within each year category. All new work on this list will now happen here on the P2PF wiki. --Strypey (talk) 09:17, 3 June 2017 (UTC)
The Dis page was formatted for MarkDown, because it was originally developed for Loomio, which supports MarkDown. It might make sense to reformat the list to use MediaWiki syntax, so all the links are hidden, and the entries are tidier. There might also be arguments for keeping the MarkDown format.What do people think? --Strypey (talk) 08:05, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
- This could also be done as a table like the CC Music from Aotearoa/ NZ page. --Strypey (talk) 09:25, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
- Done. I used Pandoc to convert the list from Markdown to MediaWiki format, which saved a huge amount of time: --Strypey (talk) 04:26, 28 October 2019 (UTC)
The original list was assembled for the kiwi Pirate Party, which is why talks from women involved with other Pirate Parties were separated out, as were talks from women who come from (or live in) Aotearoa. For the P2PF wiki, I don't think it makes sense to keep either of these separate categories. Unless anyone objects, I'm happy to go through and incorporate the PP list into the main list. --Strypey (talk) 08:05, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
- This has been done. But I just read my earlier note about alphabetic order :( Doh!. Will fix. --Strypey (talk) 09:25, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
Possible Sources for More Talks
The original text for this section was ported from the original page on Disintermedia. In the wiki system Disintermedia uses, progress notes like these can only be added to the bottom of a page (or its own separate notes page). Since MediaWiki has these Talk pages, it makes sense to me to put them here.
One source for more talks is the link associated with the event for each talk. I've done my best to choose links to either speaker lists or video lists for that event. The P2P Foundation are interviewing women active in the leadership of commons projects, see 100 Women Who Are Co-Creating the P2P Society, and the interviews on CommonsTransition.
[TED Talks]( and [TEDx Talks](, [BigThink](, the Chaos Computer Club has a [large library of video-recorded conference talks](, [BlackGirlsCode](, [RailsGirls](, [LinuxChix](, [Women Learning to Code](, [LibrePlanet 2016](, LibrePlanet 2017](, [BSides Las Vegas 2017]( Also Girls Who Code and Girl Develop It.
At the [Procomuns conference]( almost half of the featured speakers were women. Last year's [Platform Cooperativism conference]( in New York also had a high number of female speakers. 6 out of the 9 featured on the front page are women. [The Conference 2015]( in Malmö, Sweden, also features a large number of women speakers. [WebVisions]( is a web conference that happens in a number of cities around the US and Europe and there are a [number of women speaking]( this year. The [Challenge Power conference]( in Berlin, 11-12 March 2016, had a number of women speakers. The [Platform Cooperative 2016]( conference had a large number of women speaking. Just need to figure out how to get individual URLs for the videos.
CrySP Speaker Series on Privacy has featured a number of women as speakers including Lex Gill, Lisa Austin, Sarah Jamie Lewis, Valerie Steevs, Seda Gürses, Eva Infeld, Alison Macrin and more:
LibrePlanet 2018 featured a number of women as speakers including Deb Nicholson, Liz Barry, Isabela Bagueros, Wendy Bolm, Cecilia Donnelly, Máirín Duffy, Morane Gruenpeter, Madeline Hagen, Morgan Lemmer-Webber, Dana Lewis, Dr. Michele McColgan and more: Video here:
Although it's a long shot to expect to find any video of the women who worked as [WW2 codebreakers at Bletchley Park]( it was a long shot that there would be web video of talks by Anita Borg et al from 1997, so...
The [Social Working Group]( at the WC3 has had a number of women members, including Ann Bassetti, Wendy Seltzer, Jessica Tallon, and Amy Guy. I've already found a number of videos of Wendy Seltzer, but with a bit more searching the Ann, Jessica, and Amy may have talks online somewhere too.
Katherine McConachie and Yumiko Murai have been engineers and educators in the UnHangouts projct at MIT:
Individuals - need to search for talks
[Farida Shaheed]( has been a UN Special Rapporteur on Cultural Rights
Sunita Narain is an Indian environmentalist and political activist, director of the India-based Centre for Science and Environment, director of the Society for Environmental Communications and publisher of the fortnightly magazine, Down To Earth.
Jennifer Dumas is the VC Legal at free code development company, can't find a video of her speaking yet.
Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu were among the women targeted by GamerGaters. Any talks about?
Anna Debenham is mentioned in this article by Mozillan Matt Thompson. Can't find video of the talk he mentions, but there are others to look through. --Strypey (talk) 08:05, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
Susan L. Graham is a Professor of Computer Science at Berkely. --Strypey (talk) 12:15, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
Regina M. Sipos is a social entrepreneur who works at the intersections of community development and digital tech. --Strypey (talk) 12:22, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
Prue Hyman is feminist economist who teaches at Victoria University of Wellington, NZ. Prue Taylor is the Deputy Director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law. Liz Willoughby-Martin did Masters research which looked at an autonomous climate justice collective in Aotearoa/New Zealand. --Strypey (talk) 13:24, 3 June 2017 (UTC)
Amelia ANDERSDOTTER (Pirate MEP, Swedish Pirate Party);jsessionid=74510E3D7272849A49D1ED88C4C76F9F.node2
Silke Helfrich 1/6 - Terminology of Commons - Leuphana Digital School
Jillian C. York is a writer and activist
Jelena Jovanovic - Serbian Pirate?
Alicia Gibb - open hardware
Ayah Bdier - open hardware
Christina Mulligan is the Online & Social Media Editor of SD Times (Software Development Times).
Leah Belsky is general manager Europe & vice president of strategy and Michal Tsur is president of Kaltura. --Strypey (talk) 08:18, 15 June 2017 (UTC)
Zeynep Tufekci, author of 'Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest', 3 TED talks available: --Strypey (talk) 18:52, 18 April 2018 (UTC)
Rachel Hamilton-Williams, co-founder of Koha free code library software, as staff member at Katipo Communications
Kathy Sierra, programmin instructor and game developer, lots of talks online, need to identify one (or more) most appropriate to libre and commons
Individuals - these talks just need adding to the list
Deb Nicholson - Style or substance? Free software is totally the 80's
Raquel Perez - ownCloud
The evolution of evolutionary architecture - Rebecca Parsons (ThoughtWorks)
Janelle Klein (New Iron) - Let's make the pain visible
Pitfalls and practical applications of data visualization - Interview with Julie Rodriguez
Technical onboarding and hiring diversity - Cultivate interview with Kate Heddleston
When I first started curating this list, I presumed that relevant talks would be hard to find, so I cast the net pretty wide, including any talk that might be even vaguely relevant. Now that the list has got long, and still includes only a sample of the total pool of talks available, I wonder if it might be time to prune the list down a bit?
For example, in response to an issue raised by one of the kiwi Pirates, for whose education I originally started the list, I included some talks by people who identify as "non-binary" (pronouns them/ their, not her/ hers). On reflection, I think including such people in a list of "women active in the libre commons" might be mis-gendering, which tends to upset people, and is best avoided. Unless there is a good argument not to, I intend to remove any such talks from the list.
Secondly, some talks on the current list are by women who play executive or marketing roles in companies that sell products or services built on free code software, but are otherwise extractive business-as-usual corporations. Perhaps these could be removed, focusing the list more on women whose work is commons-orientated and not just peripherally related to a commons?
Finally, in the early stages of compiling the list I would add many talks by the same woman. Maybe, unless more than one of the talks are particularly relevant to the libre commons, all but the most relevant (or earliest) talk could removed? --Strypey (talk) 10:19, 24 May 2018 (UTC)
MB response: dear @Stripey, if you need any help, I could do some of this after mid-december, i.e. making real entries (name on topic), out of the various talks --MIchel Bauwens (talk) 13:03, 28 October 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Michel. Thanks for the offer. It might be a better use of your time and knowledge to prune the list of talks that are by women in the tech industry, but not really about libre/ commons topics, as discussed above. Or going through the leads on this talk page and making appropriate additions to the list. Have you had a look at the page since I converted the Markdown to work properly on this wiki? Now that I've done this, I'm pretty happy with how the entries in the list are structured:
- The point of listing libre commons organizations the speaker has been associated with (in brackets after their name), is to show that women are working within these organizations and have been for years, as well as to introduce those reading the list to a wide range of such orgs.
- Listing the event at which the talk was given is linked to either a full list of links to talk videos from that event, or to the speakers list, from which other talks might be found and added to the list as time allows (from previous and future years too). It also showcase the variety of tech activist events at which women are speaking.
- Using the full title of the talk allows a new location to be searched if the link breaks, and help the video become more strongly associated with those keywords in search engine results.
- including the duration is helpful is distinguishing lightening talks from full keynotes, and may be helpful to readers who want to watch some of the videos when they have a specific amount of time available to do so.
- What do you see as the advantages of changing the list to a [name on topic] format? --Strypey (talk) 15:46, 30 October 2019 (UTC)
I generally don't have the time for active research, but of course keep an eye out for interesting women in tech talks; otherwise, I will need to follow your lead on which items to develop
Re , the name on topic convention : the main advantage is searchability and adding a new entry point. The title is always added in the entry itself, and therefore searchable, but most titles are woefully inadequate (i.e. 'session 1, part 2' , etc.., so adding a descriptive entry title really helps searchability. People know people and are interested in topics, but they are very unlikely to know and guess the specific title given to a talk, unless they were present in the conference itself.
--MIchel Bauwens (talk) 07:17, 11 November 2019 (UTC)
I really appreciate having this list hosted here, and any contribution you are able to make is most welcome. I'm still a bit unsure what you mean when you say "most titles are woefully inadequate (i.e. 'session 1, part 2' , etc.., so adding a descriptive entry title really helps searchability". Can you give me an example of a talk whose title that fits this description, and the way you would format its entry in the list to address this? Cheers --Strypey (talk) 19:10, 27 November 2019 (UTC)