Prue Taylor
= participant in the Asia Commons Deep Dive workshop; participated in the first draft of the Earth Charter
"Prue Taylor is the Deputy Director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law. She has been teaching law at the University of Auckland, New Zealand since 1995. She currently teaches environmental and planning law to graduate and undergraduate students. Her specialist interests are in the areas of climate change, human rights, biotechnology, environmental governance, ocean law and policy, and environmental ethics. She received an outstanding achievement award from the World Conservation Union in recognition of her contribution, as a world pioneer on law, ethics and climate change, in 2007. Her recent work focuses on governance of the commons and ecological property rights."
Some relevant work includes:
TAYLOR, P.E, and GRINLINTON, D., (eds) Property Rights and Sustainability: The Evolution of Property Rights to Meet Ecological Challenges, Netherlands, MartinusNijhoff/Brill Publishers (2011- 450 pages).
TAYLOR, P.E.,STROUD, L., Common Heritage of Mankind: A Comprehensive Bibliography [forthcoming – to be published by the Fondation de Malte];
TAYLOR, P.E., “The Common Heritage Principle and Public Health: Honouring Our Legacy” in Westra, L., Solskolne, C., Spady., D., Human Health and Ecological Integrity: Ethics, Law and Human Rights. Earthscan Pub, 2012;
TAYLOR, P.E., “The Common Heritage of Mankind: A Bold Doctrine Kept Within Strict Boundaries” in HELFRICH, S., andHeinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Hg.) (2012): Commons. FüreineneuePolitikjenseits von Markt und Staat. Bielefeld: Verlag (Germany);
TAYLOR, P.E. “Common heritage of mankind principle.” in Klaus Bosselmann, J. B. Ruhl, and Daniel Fogel (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol. 3: The Law and Politics of Sustainability, pp. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing (2010);
TAYLOR, P.E.,An Ecological Approach to International Law: The Challenge of Climate Change. London, Routledge, 443 pages, 1998.
TAYLOR, P.E., BOSSELMANN, K., ENGEL, R. Governance for Sustainability - Issues, Challenges and Successes, IUCN Environmental Law and Policy Series, No. 70, Bonn, IUCN Gland, 260, 2008.
TAYLOR, P.E., An Ecological Approach to International Law: The Challenge of Climate Change. London, Routledge, 443 pages, 1998.
TAYLOR, P.E., 'From Environmental to Ecological Human Rights: A New Dynamic In International Law?' in SHELTON, D. L., Human Rights and the Environment. Edward Elgar Pub, 2011;
TAYLOR, P.E. ”The Imperative of Responsibility in a Legal Context: Reconciling Responsibilities and Rights” In: Westra (et al)(ed) Democracy, Ecological Integrity, and International Law, Cambridge UK, Cambridge Scholars Pub, 507 pages, 2010, pages 198-225.
TAYLOR, P.E. “Ecological Governance at Work: A Community Challenge to Genetically Modified Organisms” in C Soskolne (ed) Sustaining Life on Earth, New York, Lexington Books, 269-282, 2008;
TAYLOR, P.E., BOSSELMANN, K. “The Significance of the Earth Charter in International Law’, in P Blaze Cororan (et al)(ed.), The Earth Charter in Action: Toward a Sustainable World, Amsterdam, KIT Publishers, p. 171-173, 2005;
TAYLOR, P.E. 'An Ecological Approach to International Trade Law: Learning from Dolphins and Turtles', in K.Bosselmann & B Richardson (eds) Environmental Justice and Market Mechanisms: Key Challenges for Environmental Law and Policy. Netherlands, Kluwer International, 189-205, 1999;
TAYLOR, P.E. 'The Concept of Ecological Human Rights in International Law', in K. Bosselmann (ed), Ökologische Grundrechte, Baden Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 234-332, 1997.
TAYLOR, P.E. “The Business of Climate Change: What’s Ethics Got to Do with It?” (15,000 words) 20 Pacific McGeorge Global Business and Development Law Journal (2007) 161-206;
TAYLOR, P.E., “Who Has the Power?: Challenging Traditional State Authority to Regulate GMOs in New Zealand” (16,000 words) 8 Environmental Law Review -UK (2006) 175-198;
TAYLOR, P.E. ‘The Earth Charter and the Debate on Biotechnology – the New Zealand Case’ Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion 8, 1. 126-140, 2004;
TAYLOR, P.E. 'Heads in the Sand as the Tide Rises: Environmental Ethics and the Law on Climate Change' 19 UCLA J Envtl.L & Pol'y, 247-280, 2000-2001;