Sustainable Food Trust

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= "exploring solutions for a food production system that causes the least possible harm to both humans and the environment".



"At the Sustainable Food Trust, we are committed to facing challenges and exploring solutions for a food production system that causes the least possible harm to both humans and the environment. We believe in the principles of good science and advocate for research that creates a deeper understanding of the complexity of our natural environments. We work to commission and share the findings of high quality, peer-reviewed research, and aim to communicate complex scientific messages in open and accessible ways.

Everyone should have access to information and resources, and we encourage collaboration between all those who take an interest in food – from farmers and citizens, to heads of industry and policy makers.

The key principles for sustainable food systems are that they should:

  • Optimise the production of high quality safe food
  • Minimise the use of non-renewable external inputs
  • Maintain and build soil fertility
  • Enhance food security and a high degree of resilience against external shocks
  • Support plant and animal diversity and animal welfare
  • Minimise environmental pollution"

( Promote public health