Social Movements Powering the Future of Money

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* Book: Social movements powering the future of money. Kindle Edition edited by Betty Lim and Simon Sim. 2019

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"read how 16 amazing founders mainly in the Commons/P2P space are attempting to power a more “real economy.”


Betty Lim:

"Money is a social construct but to survive, you need money and its scarcity fixates everyone on self-preservation.

So, instead of money or the love of it being the root of all evil, can money scarcity have sublimely and very narrowly focused you on wanting to win at all costs? As that transforms you into a numbers-chasing machine, have you become oblivious to everyone and everything but yourself?

Interwoven into the fabric of our lifestyle, our habits and daily choices, society then self-organizes to systemically perpetuate the paradigm of artificial Scarcity we live in. Normalized, the road to hell is paved with good intentions because the best of intentions keep getting hijacked by the way we perceive, think and act ‘I win, you lose.’

Most of all, has money scarcity blinded you to the systemic role of money—to the system of how money influences our behaviors—to make the Age of 'I win, you lose' Nonsense our stark reality? Surviving for ourselves, haven’t all of us become the human resource that turns money into a public utility for a global payment system—governed exclusively by Big Business?

In Social movements powering the future of money, read how 16 amazing founders mainly in the Commons/P2P space are attempting to power a more “real economy.” They weigh in on the psychology of money and suggest how you may start a social movement.

Because today, very few people own as much as half the world’s population (that’s over 3.8 billion). According to Oxfam’s latest report, 26 richest people owned US$1.4 trillion. The year before, it was the top 43 people but in 2017, it was the top eight.

Based on more of the same nonsense, as money becomes Big Data and new technologies replace humans, wouldn’t the latest transition take us from the world’s dumbest idea to the world’s most dangerous idea? Read to explore the root cause of how we have unwittingly created our man-made world the way it is today, why life as we know it is ending and how universal basic income may be bridging this shift.

Most of all, think about the future you want for everyone—not just for yourself or your loved ones."