Reputation Capital Aggregated Metric

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Olivia Solon:

" we need a universal benchmark of trust online to help assuage people's fears of engaging with these new marketplaces.

Technology is enabling us to trade with and lend to complete strangers. However, unlike in the real world, we don't have the opportunity to look someone in the eye or shake the hand of someone we are transacting with online.

Clearly there are already metrics of trust in certain marketplaces, such as eBay's seller ratings. However, we need a tool that can aggregate a person's trustworthiness, reliability and consistency across platforms and networks. It's one thing being stung by a dodgy eBay seller, but it's quite another to have your home ransacked and your passport stolen.

This new trust measure is what Botsman describes as a person's "reputation capital" (a term that has been used by marketers to describe trust in brands for years); she thinks that it will become more important than our credit history in the coming century.

Imagine being able to have a single measure that incorporated your eBay seller rating, your AirBnB reliability rating and your LinkedIn recommendations. It would mean that you could start trading on another marketplace for the first time and be able to show that you are deemed to be trustworthy elsewhere. For those who have ever been stung by an online marketplace before, this could be what nudges them back into trading.

That same metric could then be used to add weight to the reviews you give online on sites such as Tripadvisor -- if you are trustworthy across all other platforms, it is likely that your review will be a fair assessment of your experience, however good or bad.

The question remains: which organisation will be trusted enough to be responsible for issuing such a broad-reaching certificate of credence?" (