Quality Assessment of FOSS

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Compendium: INF5780 H2011: Open Source, Open Collaboration and Innovation


by Arne-Kristian Groven, Kirsten Haaland et al.:

"Each year, large amounts of money are spent on failed software investments. Selecting business critical software is both a difficult and a risky task, with huge negative impact on business if the wrong choices are made. Uncertainty is high and transparency is low, making it hard to select candidate software.

The widespread development and use of Free/Libre and Open Source Software, FOSS, enable new ways of reducing risk by utilising the inherent transparency of FOSS. Transparency is related to the fact that the source code is available on the Internet. In addition, most of the communication about the software takes place on the Internet. Hence, a pool of information is available to anyone wanting to reduce risk when selecting business critical software among FOSS candidates.

Tools and methods for assessing FOSS software, based on measuring data available on the Internet, have been a research issue the last decade. The name FOSS quality (and maturity) model or FOSS quality (and maturity) assessment method appear in the literature to describe such methods. Alternatively, they could also have been referred to as FOSS trust/risk assessment models. There exist two generations of FOSS quality assessment methods, where the first generation was published between 2003 and 2005. About four or five methods were introduced, having a rather limited set of metrics and manual work procedures. In most cases the only software tool support consists of excel-templates for calculations. A second generation of methods was published between 2008 and 2010, following extensive research funding from the European Community. These methods differ from the first generation in increased complexity, both regarding the number of metrics used and the fact that they are semi-automatic approaches with associated software tool support.

In the following text, one first and one second generation FOSS quality model are presented, discussed, and compared with the other. This is done in order to give the reader a brief introduction into such methods; their structure, they work context, their strengths and weaknesses. The intension is not to give a detailed tutorial of any of the methods, but instead to indicate the principles. The text presented here is based on comparative studies and experiments performed in 2009/2010 (Glott et al., 2010; Groven et al., 2010; Haaland et al., 2010).

Software Quality Models

"After briefly introducing traditional software quality models we give a short overview of first and second generation FOSS quality models. The latter will be presented in-depth in the following sections.


First Generation FOSS Quality Models

While the traditional software quality models have a history of around four decades, the first FOSS quality and maturity models emerged between 2003 and 2005. While traditional quality models originate in the context of traditional software industry and its proprietary business models, FOSS characteristics are not covered by such models. Among the first generation FOSS quality models are: (i) the Open Source Maturity Model, OSMMCapgemini, provided under a non-free license, (Duijnhouwer andWiddows, 2003); (ii) the Open Source Maturity Model, OSMM Navica, provided under the Academic Free License and briefly described by Golden (2004); (iii) the Qualification and Selection of Open Source software1, QSOS, provided by Atos Origin under the GNU Free Documentation License; and (iv) the Open Business Readiness Rating2, OpenBRR, provided by Carnegie Mellon West Center for Open Source Investigation, made available under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.5 License. All the above quality models are drawing on traditional models, which have been adapted and extended to be applicable to FOSS. All models are based on a manual work, supported by evaluation forms or templates. The most sophisticated tool support can be found for QSOS, where the evaluation is supported by either a stand-alone program or a Firefox plug-in, which also enables feeding results back to the QSOS website for others to download. But still, the data gathering and evaluation itself is a manual work process.

As of 2010, none of these FOSS quality models have seen a wide adoption and they can really not be considered a success, despite that the QSOS project shows a slow growth in popularity (Wilson, 2006b). The OSMM Capgemini model has a weak public presence for the open source community (osm, 2007); for the OSMM Navica model the web resource are no longer available, while OpenBRR for a long time has had a web site announcing that a new and better version is under way.

The reasons for this lack of success are probably a combination of the following (Groven et al., 2010): (i) The approaches have shortcomings; (ii) the knowledge about the approaches are not properly disseminated; (iii) the success stories are not properly disseminated; and (iv) the business expectations of the originators of these models were possibly unrealistic. But despite of shortcomings and lack of community support, it is our belief that these quality models could play a role when evaluating candidate FOSS. These views are supported in literature, e.g., byWilson (2006a). There are some success stories, such as the Open University’s use of OpenBRR to select a Virtual Learning Environment (Sclater, 2006). The fact that several enterprises3 use OpenBRR, underlines its (potential) role. Further, the simplicity of a first generation FOSS quality and maturity model is intuitively appealing and may have some advantages compared to second generation models.

Second Generation FOSS Quality Models

Recently, a second generation of FOSS quality models has emerged, partly as a result of several EC funded research projects. They all draw on previous methodologies, both traditional quality models as well as the first generation FOSS quality and maturity models. Two main differences between the first and second generation FOSS quality models are more extensive tool support and more advanced metrics.

Second generation quality models include (i) the QualOSS quality model4 – a semiautomated methodology for quality model drawing on existing tool support, explained in greater detail in this text; (ii) the QualiPSo OpenSource Maturity Model (OMM)5, a CMM-like model for FOSS. QualiPSo OMM “focuses on process quality and improvement, and only indirectly on the product quality” (Qualipso, 2009). The project aims at providing supporting tools and assessment process together with the OMM, being a part of a larger EU-initiative which is still under development. QualiPSo draws more strongly on traditional quality models, in this case CMM. Another second generation model is (iii) the SQO-OSS quality model6 – the Software Quality Observatory for Open Source Software (SQO-OSS) which is a platform with quality assessment plug-ins. SQO-OSS has developed the whole assessment platform from scratch, aiming at an integrated software quality assessment platform. It comprises a core tool with software quality assessment plug-ins and an assortment of user interfaces, including a web user interface and an Eclipse plug-in (Samoladas et al., 2008). The SQO-OSS is being maintained, but the quality model itself is not yet mature, and developers focus mostly on an infrastructure for easy development of plug-ins." (http://publications.nr.no/Compendium-INF5780H11.pdf)


Comparing the Assessment Methods

QualOSS and OpenBRR both cover different views of quality, (i) the product view on quality, (ii) the manufacturing, or process view on quality, and, to some smaller extent, (iii) the user view on quality.

When the scope is defined, QualOSS has a large set of predefined metrics and indicators based on GQM, the Goal Question Metrics approach. OpenBRR has a much smaller metrics set, containing 27 different metrics, which are predefined like for QualOSS. However, flexibility arises in OpenBRR when defining the feature set for the Functionality category, both in choosing the actual features (whether to include them as standard or extra), and setting their importance (1-3). This involves human experts into the OpenBRR process. Such type of interaction is not present in the QualOSS assessment, where detailed metrics (e.g., involving coding standards) are defined (at least for some programming languages). While the QualOSS assessment is a highly automated measurement and uses a number of measurement tools, OpenBRR is based solely on the skills of the evaluators. There is also a difference in the output of the two quality assessment models: while OpenBRR outputs a score, QualOSS also outputs trend indications, e.g., the evolution of the number of lines of code between releases.

The risk of basing the whole assessment on manual work is that critical information can be missed. This is also the case for QualOSS, especially in the cases where no suitable tools are present. Then the options are either to perform the assessment on a manual basis or to do the assessment without full coverage of topics. Since the metrics and measurements are more complex than for OpenBRR the last option might sometimes be the right one. Whenever the tool support is working as intended the QualOSS is a source of more insight compared to a method like OpenBRR.

The role of proper quality assurance should be emphasised for both models, including interviews and discussions before and after the assessment. This in order ensure that the assessment methodology captured the relevant items, and to check if the results of the highly automated QualOSS assessment are good and understandable enough to convince people with expertise knowledge of the FOSS endeavours under scrutiny.

In the case of OpenBRR, it is assumed by the model that there is a real need and specific business case as basis for the rating to answer questions like: Who is the customer? What are his/her needs? What is the level of technical knowledge of the customer? What is the available or preferred technical platform to run the software on? Without the answers to these questions, the final score becomes too much a product of the opinions and assumptions of the evaluators, especially obvious when choosing functionality set, evaluating the user experience, and of course setting all the weights for relative importance. The QualOSS Standard Assessment (version 1.1.), which was used in our case, did choose to configure the evaluation towards the needs of a company making business of Asterisk services to end user organisations. But context granularity and fine tuning prior to the assessment could also be higher in this case.

Another challenge and potential problem when working with measurements and metrics is to define the difference between a good result, a bad result, and a neutral result. In the case of metrics related to release cycles in “Software Technology Attributes: Quality” in OpenBRR, they might be too rigid in the view of preferable release cycles. The same applies to QualOSS, when it comes to, e.g., reporting of bugs and vulnerabilities. A trend indicating a rise in bug or vulnerability reporting has several potential interpretations, and all of them are not necessarily negative. Asterisk has experienced extreme growth in number of users the last couple of years. As a consequence, more functionality options have been explored and more hidden errors are found. A challenge for assessment models like QualOSS and OpenBRR is not to punish more complex systems and systems with a large user community. Large projects with active communities will probably get many bug and vulnerability reports while a small project with very few users may not get many. This does not in any way mean that the smaller project is more business-ready or mature. The assessment results on bug and vulnerability reporting should be calibrated against the size of the user community, not only the developer community. A rising trend in reporting might indicate a rise in users, which is not necessarily bad. The question whether or not the second generation quality model can outperform the first generation model can only be answered with ambiguity. Both quality models have different strengths and weaknesses.

Concluding Remarks

We have presented two so-called FOSS quality and maturity models aimed at assessing quality and risks related to FOSS. Results from practical application of the two methods have also been presented and discussed, using OpenBRR and QualOSS. Both models (methods) are quantitative, based on data measurements related to predefined metrics. The data sources, covering both the software and its community, are reachable on the Internet. Based on the actual measurements (data collection on the Internet), scores are computed according to predefined score schemes. The aim of both models is to assess the quality and the risks associated with some piece of FOSS software, intended to be used in a specified business context.

OpenBRR allows assessment of a limited set of quality metrics, based on manual data collection. QualOSS, in contrast, involves hundreds of quality metrics. Here, supporting software tools play a prominent role in the data collection. Both models can to some extent be configured towards certain business needs: For OpenBRR by altering the weights of quality characteristics and their associated metrics, and by the addition of a feature list. For QualOSS by configuring the GQM template for each of the leaf characteristics according to predefined viewpoints, modes, and usage value sets.

Based on our experiments we find OpenBRR to be a useful tool with small resource requirements and low time consumption. It needs general knowledge about where to find information on the Internet combined with deep domain knowledge on the part covering functionality. The QualOSS assessment is a highly automated measurement and uses several software measurement tools. Expert skills on functonality are not needed" here, compared to OpenBRR. But there has to be experts on the collection tools present. Whenever the tool support is working as intended, the QualOSS is a source of more insight compared to a method like OpenBRR. Whenever the automated tool support is not sufficient, which happened in parts of the QualOSS assessment, we needed to perform relatively time-consuming manual work.

Overall, it appears that human expertise, especially knowledge of context conditions and development trends with a FOSS endeavour, is decisive for the usability of both quality models. OpenBRR relies on this input by design. QualOSS tried to largely eliminate such direct input on the measurement process but, occasionally, seems to rely on it when tools are not available or when the results of the assessment must be interpreted. Unfortunately, the reported OpenBRR activities are low and the community inactive.

This is disappointing as it seems to be potentially a useful tool with small resource requirements. Similarly, the community support for QualOSS has still not reached its full potential, and there is scope to further develop this methodology. Time will show if an active community will grow around QualOSS or be regenerated around OpenBRR, or if another quality model will appear. It is at in any case clear that there is a real need for sound quality models in the market, helping actors make their decisions." (http://publications.nr.no/Compendium-INF5780H11.pdf)

More Information

  1. Open Business Readiness Rating: The Open Business Readiness Rating model, OpenBRR, consists of a set of themes or categories each containing a set of metrics.
  2. QualOSS