Peer Net

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= proposal for a PeerNet Infrastructure by J. Eriksson et al



"An unwritten principle of the Internet Protocol is that the IP address of a node also serves as its identifier. Many scalability problems result from this principle, especially when we consider mobile networks. To overcome this problem the PeerNet was designed.

The PeerNet concept is a P2P infrastructure at the network level, proposed by Eriksson J, Faloutsos M, and Krishnamurthy S. at UC, Riverside. The intention is to overcome the limitations imposed by the IP Protocol.

PeerNet is a network layer with integrated support for routing between peers. PeerNet makes an explicit distinction between node identity and address. PeerNet is not an overlay on top of IP, it is an alternative to the IP layer. PeerNet is a radically new architecture that brings peer-to-peer concepts to the network layer through the separation between the address and the identity.

In PeerNet, the address reflects the node’s current location in the network. This simplifies routing significantly but creates two new challenges: the need for consistent address allocation and an efficient node lookup service.

The PeerNet network layer consists of three major parts:

  • First, address allocation maintains one address per node, in compliance with the area invariant.
  • Second, routing disseminates enough information about the global state of the network and

uses this information to efficiently deliver packets to their destination.

  • Third, node lookup is a distributed network service mapping a node identifier to its current

network address.

PeerNet assigns addresses to nodes dynamically, so that the PeerNet area invariant is preserved. For increased efficiency and stability, address allocation must result in a well balanced address tree and nodes within an area should be well connected.

PeerNet does not need the support of a wireline infrastructure, but the aim is to be able to leverage any available infrastructure. It is envisioned to tunnel through the Internet to interconnect disconnected PeerNet networks initially and when available. Future considerations are development of protocols and tools to facilitate the communication between PeerNet and Internet nodes as well as enable TCP/IP emulation for IP-only software." (

Peer Net Apps

Potential apps include a P2P Wiki, and even P2P AGI or artificial general intelligence.


Paper: PeerNet: Pushing Peer-to-Peer Down the Stack. By Jakob Eriksson, Michalis Faloutsos, Srikanth Krishnamurthy. University of California, Riverside