= "a fully decentralized versioning protocol where each repository is governed through an AragonOS-based DAO".
"Its goal is to provide content creators, and mostly software developers, with a universal open-source versioning, cooperation and archiving layer." [1]
As mentioned in the Pando white-paper the aim of this project is to :
“Offer a distributed cooperation, distribution and valuation infrastructure to Commons Creative Contents (CCC) i.e. any kind of content produced through an open process such as - but not restricted to: Open Source Software, Books licensed under Creative Commons, Music licensed under Creative Commons, etc. “
Turning each content into a DAO is thus rendered possible thanks to the combination of the Git-like protocol and the possibilities opened by the blockchain technology. As shown in the image below the Pando protocol currently allows each contributor to earn authorship in the form of authority tokens on the repository controlled through a DAO. In fact each new contribution within a content automatically dilutes the share of previous contributors." (
"The goal of pando is to provide a common workspace for the crypto-space to experiment new modes of organization and collaboration. That’s why we need pando to enforce some shared patterns while simultaneously offering the modularity one needs to experiment with various governance scheme. That’s why we designed pando upon the following principles.
- Distributed
Pando implements a fully distributed architecture. Each repository’s files and data are stored and replicated over IPFS while its governance scheme are enforced through a set of smart-contracts safely stored and executed on the ethereum blockchain. This architecture guarantees that contents maintained through pando are uncensorable and can survive most infrastructure breakdowns.
- Immutable
Pando guarantees content and governance immutability through the coupling of IPFS and the ethereum blockchain. It insures a timeless archiving of each project’s versions and thus that the contents maintained through pando are uncensorable even by their own authors. This features make pando unique in the field of VCS and, probably, not suited to all needs. This is why pando does not intend to replace existing VCS such as git, but to serve as the foundation of new collaborative experiments, next to the existing ones.
- Modular
We believe that there exist no governance model suited to all needs: it all depends on the scale, the temporalities and the goals of one’s project. This is why pando has been designed to offer as much modularity as possible regarding the governance schemes or tokens-related policies it enforces. Happily, the flexibility and power of the aragonOS framework allow us to keep pando as agnostic and generic as possible when it comes to these features." (