Open Anthropology Project

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= opening up anthropological knowledge to reciprocal and collaborative engagements between academics and broader publics


Related to the: Zero Anthropology project, which may be a successor project?


"Open Anthropology is about opening knowledge production to reciprocal and collaborative engagements between academics and broader publics, while trying to put that into practice on this site. It is about building on ideas and examples of ways of speaking about the human condition that look critically at dominant discourses, oriented toward producing a non-state, non-market, knowledge and a public practice to suit. Open Anthropology is also an invitation to critically reexamine the institutionalization of knowledge, looking for ways to reintegrate anthropology with other knowledge systems, and other disciplines, while criticizing the "disciplining" of the social sciences. Open Anthropology, as represented on this site, is explicitly about decolonizing knowledge, combined with a pronounced anti-imperialist orientation.

Ultimately, the spirit behind Open Anthropology comes from the Caribbean's New World Movement, with an added focus on literary and visual arts, and Caribbean and indigenous philosophies." (