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= Neogeography combines the complex techniques of cartography and GIS and places them within reach of users and developers.


From Andrew Turner:

neogeography |nē’ō-jē-ŏg’rə-fē|

geographical techniques and tools used for personal activities or for utilization by a non-expert group of users; not formal or analytical.

[Greek, from neos, new. and Latin geōgraphia, from Greek geōgraphiā]

neogeographer ne’o·ge·og’ra·pher n.

At least it’s a succint phrasing of a concept that we can all collectively discuss. And finally, for just a small illustration: If you’re using Tagzania to measure biodiversity of the cuddle-fish, you’re doing GIS - if you’re using ArcGIS to make a map of your summer vacation, you’re doing neogeography." (



From the blog Placekraft at

"Neogeography, as we see it, is a diverse set of practices that operate outside, or alongside, or in the manner of, the practices of professional geographers. Rather than making claims on scientific standards, methodologies of neogeography tend towards the intuitive, expressive, personal, absurd, and or artistic, but may just be idiosyncratic applications of "real" geographic techniques. This is not to say that these practices are of no use to the cartographic/geographic sciences, but that they just usually don't conform to the protocols of professional practice."

It includes "a broad field of activity that includes urban exploration, site specific sculpture, land/earth art, Geo-Tagging]], guided walks, ephemeral cities, imaginary urbanism, altered maps/radical cartography, travel writing, psychogeography, Place-based Photoblogging, etc. What connects all of these activities? There may not be a clear answer, but we would say they all comprise, or fall under the rubric of, neogeography."


Andrew Turner:

"Neogeography means ‘new geography’ and consists of a set of techniques and tools that fall outside the realm of traditional GIS, Geographic Information Systems. Where historically a professional cartographer might use ArcGIS, talk of Mercator versus Mollweide projections, and resolve land area disputes, a neogeographer uses a mapping API like Google Maps, talks about GPX versus KML, and geotags his photos to make a map of his summer vacation.

Essentially, Neogeography is about people using and creating their own maps, on their own terms and by combining elements of an existing toolset. Neogeography is about sharing location information with friends and visitors, helping shape context, and conveying understanding through knowledge of place." (


Patrick Philippe Meier at


  1. Platial
  2. War Views

More Information

  1. Andrew Turner: Introduction to Neogeography
  2. See also Geo-location Services