Movements of Consciousness

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Jennifer Gidley:

"Gebser uses the term structure to clearly distinguish from the controversial use in his times of termssuch as stage or level . Wilber, also drawing on the adult developmental psychology research, uses the terms stage and level to stress the developmental nature of consciousness. Steiner uses similar terms to Wilber. Given the contemporary discussion within integral and transpersonal theory surrounding structuralism and post-structuralism (Ferrer, 2002; Wilber, 2005a) — which space does not allow me to enter into—I have chosen to use the term movement(s) of consciousness as a contribution to this terminological dilemma, when I am not referring directly to the terms of the others. Movement of consciousness is a poetic-conceptual phrase that was used by Hegel, Goethe and Sri Aurobindo, to express something of the complexity I am trying to elucidate in my contribution to evolution-of-consciousness theory.

By the term evolution of consciousness discourse , I am primarily referring to the growing literature from various domains that posit a movement—or movements—or consciousness. A distinction can be made between literature that discuss the evolution of consciousness per se and literature that enacts a new type of consciousness without conceptualizing it as such."
