Felix Fritsch:
""Minds is a social media platform under development since 2011 which adopted the concept of a tokenized advertisements, payments and rewards system during the blockchain boom in 2016. Minds focuses on accommodating content producers that feel censored or demonetized by mainstream Web 2.0 platforms in spirit of “a free and open Internet where privacy is ensured and people are fairly compensated for their efforts online” (Minds.com). All of the platform’s code is open source, and the company encourages its use by “people to launch their own social platform, (…) integrate token economies (…) and (…) federate between networks” (Ottman 2019). Minds seeks to obtain full decentralization with the recently launched Minds Nomads dApp as alternative access to their network." (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347390602_The_Common_Factory_Governance_and_Incentive_Systems_of_Blockchain-based_Social_Networks)