Michel Bauwens on the Pulsation of the Commons and Cosmolocalism

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Podcast via https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/225-michel-bauwens-whats-next-commons-the-pulsation/id1409429787?i=1000658489219 https://open.spotify.com/show/58LnE3qSDSjOOu9DodDNws Spotify]


Episode 225 of the World of Wisdom, hosted by Amit Paul.

Full title: Michel Bauwens - What's next? Commons, the pulsation of the commons, technology and cosmolocalism


"Michel Bauwens is a thought leader and researcher in the space of commons. Also the founder of the P2P foundation. We speak of the state of the commons, dive into the pulsation of the commons, the rise and fall of civilizations, and much more. Michel makes a beautiful argument for why we are currently moving towards a time when communities will again steward commons in ways that has not been deemed efficient for some time and why the state+market structure we are currently in is crumbling under it's own weight."


"We spoke of the commons and oriented ourselves in where we currently are in terms of the rise and fall of civilisations.

  • We've progressed through tribal - market - state as fundamental types of civilisation and we are now at the cusp of being able to realise one of mutual collaboration. Michels deep interest in the rising interest of the commons, this time technology facilitated gives space for hope!
  • Cosmolocalism as an orientation. Everything that is light is shared. What is heavy should be used locally. This is not what we are doing today in the dominant system. The commons is a way of mutualising and when we mutualise we need less stuff, less complexity and less resources. As Michel puts it: "I’m not sure we’re getting more energy but we are getting a lot more information."
  • "If you’re attached to the current system then it’s very hard to be optimistic but if you’re looking at the seed forms[...]" Therefore capacity for vertical transcendence - ways of coping as well as horizontal transcendence - ways of looking to the emerging future is important.

This conversation is absolutely fascinating. It provides a very different perspective of what is also going on right now. I deeply recommend Michels substack and the archives of the P2P foundation where there is a wealth of research and resources to be found. "