Michel Bauwens on Commons Economics
Podcast via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L75k84AJuL4
"We had the most wonderful opportunity to spend some time in conversation with Michel Bauwens, Founder and Vision Co-ordinator of the Peer to Peer Foundation and author of P2P, A Commons Manifesto. We covered SO much but in reality probably only scratching the surface of his research. The headlines are that we are facing a time of descent as a society, but there are solutions, alternative economics and planetary accounting that we must adopt. Embrace our stewardship of the Commons and most importantly of all Keep the Faith, take action and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Something beautiful can blossom if we take care of it. Some great stories from Michel which can inspire us to do the job we need to do “We are the mediating agents to create more green and awareness in the universe.”