Members for Cooperation

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= goal : to organise within cooperatives to increase cooperation between cooperatives



"We are a global, democratically governed network of people who have a very simple goal - organise within cooperatives to increase cooperation between cooperatives. For decades there has been a paradoxical development. Globalisation has made the scope of what governments can do more narrow and shifted the balance of power towards businesses favour. However, the focus and the very idea of electoral politics has simultaneously narrowed to become almost synonymous with elections for positions in the government. Meanwhile, democratic governance in the business sector - ranging from for elections in credit unions, co-operative stores and building societies, receives dismal attention. There is almost no organising or campaigning that seeks to revitalise and utilise the democratic mechanisms of these massive economic powerhouses.

Our organisation “Members For Cooperation” seeks to address this. We are a global, democratically governed network of people who have a very simple goal - organise within cooperatives to increase cooperation between cooperatives. We especially seek to focus on finding new ways that big and old cooperatives can form mutually beneficial relationships with small and new ones.

There are countless great examples of this happening - ranging from consumer owned grocery cooperatives buying their milk from a dairy farmers producer cooperatives, or the dairy farmer members taking a loan from a local credit union to buy fertiliser through a purchasing cooperative.

We seek to both collect existing examples, replicate and scale them and also come up with new ideas on new forms of cooperation between cooperatives."


More information

See also: We Own It