Inter-Owner Trade Agreement
User Owned theory defines an Inter-Owner Trade Agreement (IOTA) in this way: The GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation is an important IOTA. The authority of the GNU GPL originates in the authors of Virtual Sources such as software, music, video and is perpetuated by those who choose to trade (including gifts, sharing and any kind of propagation or distribution) that Copyrighted work.
The GNU GPL is *not* an End User License Agreement (EULA), because it enforces no constraints on pure *use*; it only comes into effect during trade.
Modifying the Copyrighted work does not require distribution. Rather, *IF* distribution occurs, the Virtual Sources and all modifications must accompany the End User 'binary' Objects delivered to each consumer.
Similarly, the GNU's Not Usury General Public Law as published by the Personal Sovereignty Foundation is an IOTA designed for User Owned Physical Sources of Production.
The GNU General Public Law as published by the Personal Sovereignty Foundation is a Free as in Freedom inter-owner trade agreement designed to insure every User has the freedom to Use(0), Modify(1), Copy(2) and Share(3) free Objects by causing all profit be an investment for that User toward Physical Sources needed for production of more of that kind of Object so each Consumer gains real property ownership whenever they pay a Price above the real Costs of production.
Some objects are physical (such as an apple), while others are virtual (such as software), and some objects cannot be separated from their sources (such as the object of an automobile or a movie theater), but in all cases those objects have Physical Sources.