Infrastructuring the Commons
"The concept of Commons has been used in very flexible ways to describe the status of natural resources like water or air, cultural ones like shared heritage. It has also been recently linked to other social creations like libraries, parks and public space, as well online digital environments.
This seminar looked at the relationship of the current discourse on the commons, to emerging art, design and planning practices; specifically those engaged actively with collaborative digital media. A particular goal was to link recent developments that relate to practices of infrastructuring (as discussed in new media, interaction design, community and urban informatics, participatory design and e-planning) to the idea of design principles for stable commons elaborated first by Ostrom in her seminal Governing the Commons book (1990) and then taken further by Hess (2008) in relationship to emerging new commons.
-How designers, artists and other practitioners can build upon commons principles?
-What other design principles are needed to support emerging new commons?
-What role does collaborative digital media plays in identifying and enabling those principles?
The program consisted of plenary session via a key note speech, some presentations and a panel discussion. This part of the program was FREE and OPEN TO ALL interested. During the afternoon several parallel sessions were organized. Participation in those sessions required sending a short contribution to the organizers.
The seminar was preceded by an internal preparatory session the 24th of October." (
More Information
- video album of the presentations: