IPO Tables
= Input-Process-Output tools for ecological accounting in production: "I-P-O documentation helps to monitor, communicate and connect flows of energy, materials, components and (by)products".
URL = http://ipotables.net/
"What are good ways to share information about physical objects to collaborate on them openly? And: What tools and communication will help us to create and maintain a circular economy? IPO brings these two questions together and looks for synergies between them. It is about developing communication methods and tools for an open circular economy. Can open-source-hardware and circular-economy be both pushed forward while we make them work for each other? The idea in the center of IPO is to take the simple standard of the IPO Model – Input, Process, Output – that is widely used in system-analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA)/eco-management (e.g. ISO 14040) and bring it to the world of open-source-hardware documentation. In life-cycle-assessment complex production processes are broken down in simpler and manageable steps – modules.
Every module has 1) INPUTS like materials, components & energy, 2) PROCESSES that transform inputs into outputs and 3) OUTPUTS like products and byproducts. I-P-O modules. Listing all outputs makes waste visible and is a pre-step to connect outputs to input-sides, to connect modules to chains (and maybe circles).
I-P-O documentation helps to monitor, communicate and connect flows of energy, materials, components and (by)products.
The IPO Tables projects goal is to bring and experiment the I-P-O standard for creating documentation and connecting information to the world of makers and open-source-hardware. And it also wants to bring the ideas of openness to the world of LCA – imagine with openness to do LCA not just for one factory but whole networks of factories.
The IPO Tables project supports and creates experiments, projects, events and teaches about open source and circular economy. It is an open project. Get in touch."