Governance of the Global Commons by the People
= UN lobby in favour of the Commons
The Global Commons: Our Shared Wealth
There will be a lobby of the United Nations from 3-14 May 2010. Our objective: to demonstrate to all states that it is imperative that certain aspects of life be stewarded for the good of both humanity and the Planet as a whole. These include hazardous waste, transport, and mining -- topics which will be discussed by the UN’s Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) during that period -- as well as the economy, air, water, soil, biodiversity, human rights, culture, religion and intellectual property. Since all of these issues -- and many others -- share similar needs for governance and value preservation, they require unique attention as Global Commons.
The Lobby will be accompanied by a Forum.
The Forum Consists of Three Parts:
1. a preparatory think tank to generate ideas for this lobby in the form of a book derived from website submissions
2. a network of problem-solving groups that will also be able to have direct contact with governments via email during the UN conference itself, and to communicate with them from a distance while they are deliberating the Global Commons as part of a greater initiative, whereby
3. our ideas will be reviewed and collated by a group of experts; submitted to a High Level Commission of Eminent Personalities who have held positions of global leadership and are now involved in global humanitarian activities; and presented to the UN General Assembly with the recommendation that these ideas be put into practice
Objectives of this Lobby
The Lobby will demonstrate by means of examples and reasoning:
1. the advantages to Governments and businesses of giving fair access and jurisdiction of the Global Commons to humanity as a whole, along with the institutional structures (existing or to be developed) which can help steward these resources on behalf of the Earth and its People
2. the responsibility of such institutions and how they could operate
3. examples of where this has worked well
Although we shall initially focus on hazardous waste, transport and mining, since these are the topics of the CSD conference in 2010, all other examples of stewardship of the global commons are welcome for submission and will be used in the larger initiative and other lobbies of the United Nations.
The Lobby Will consist of Three Types of Actions
You can participate as follows:
1. Through 28 April 2010, join the web-based forum and help write the book
2. From 3-14 May 2010
Join the lobby team at the UN (There will be room for several people to join existing teams; and for anyone representing an organisation with accreditation to this UN Conference. An organisation can apply for this status.)
- Or lobby from afar (While NGO representatives are lobbying Governments at the UN conference, the forum will analyze the issues along with them, developing solutions to any challenges these lobbyists and Governments might encounter when discussing the Global Commons.)
The website will be launched on 1 January 2010 to collect ideas from participants in the Lobby. Initial partners include Global Commons Trust, All-Win Network, Association of World Citizens, Kosmos Journal and P2P Foundation. Please let us know if you wish to be registered as a founding organisation. All organisations and individuals participate on a basis of equality and in a spirit of all-win for a world that works well for everyone." (