Governance of the Data Commons
= "Governance of the Data Commons: Creating an international, multi-stakeholder governance group that defines the scope of issues to develop narratives surrounding big data and the digital commons and that provides guidance as well as advisories to all relevant stakeholders".
For details see
Berliner Gazette:
"Democracy, transparency, individual rights and autonomy are fundamental human rights and also common goods that need to be consciously and intentionally cultivated and protected. Therefore, these principles ought to be applied to big data and guide its use and governance. We, as individuals and collectively, produce data, therefore we have the right to govern and control it, both as individuals and collectives (a delicate balance between individual and collective rights).
Data processing is becoming a key means by which our society, economy and lives are being organized and shaped. Therefore we should have a key say in how it is used.
We envision the creation of a Global Forum on Big Data and the Commons of and for the commons that will be fiercely autonomous from state and corporate power.
* Composition
The form should be amulti-stake-holder network of activists and advocates open to groups, individuals, organizations that exlcudes participation of governments and corporate actors; we will not provide a plan, but lay out values and principles that ought to guide the establishment of a Global Forum on Big Data and the Commons: Values; broad civil society participation and consultation; inclusive and global; capacity and enthusiasm for action and activism, participatory, horizontal, democratic; diverse in perspectives and participants, conscious intent towards active outreach to and inclusion of the excluded but impacted.
* Mandate
– Create a robust roadmap to a common data future, perhaps a “Constitution for Common(s) Data”. – Contribute to the creation of a common digital and data infrastructure. – Develop narratives, definitions and education on commons data and define the scope and impacts of the issue. – Develop, advocate and fight for policy and regulation. – Foster research and collaboration on the risks and possibilities of big data to and for the commons. – Collaborate with other interested and impacted groups towards this end. – Always maintain autonomy from corporations and state organizations.
* Process
– How will it start? – The initiators will become an ambassador for the WORKING GROUP FOR BIG DATA COMMONS and we’ll continue to build it out. – Create a Slack platform for collaboration and to build and share tools, materials, “starter kit”. – Develop a Listserv (only for announcements). – Plan a global meet-up at next year’s BG conference to establish the Global Forum on Big Data and the Commons. – In the next 12-months, encourage local groups for discussion and collaboration and also smaller closed digital groups/communities who can participate. – Establish a provisional core team who can manage and plan listserv/slack platform/ next year’s gathering and also will be regional ambassadors and organize meet-ups. Meet/check-in once per month and/or as needed. – How will it be funded? – For now, we will all volunteer. – We may crowdfund or ask for donations for costs. Operations
Look at:
– WSIS (World summit on info soc) – IGF
Lessons learned:
– Defining the “we” – What is “civil society”? – Who is included/excluded? – How is it funded? – Pressure from the for-profit actors"