Fora do Eixo National Fund

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Bruno Poljokan, Lenissa Lenza et al:

"To monitor and manage the financial transactions of the Fora do Eixo Circuit, and pursue actions that reduce local differences through investment strategies, the network created a National Fund. The objective of the Fund is to foster the development and structuring of the Fora do Eixo collectives, and pursue sustainability in the network. By building a national fund, the Fund seeks to meet the demands of projects carried out by the Circuit, and address special needs of individuals and collectives in the network.The methodology of the Fund, as well as in other actions of Fora do Eixo, is based on transversality and collective decision making. For this, two councils were structured, the Management Council and the Executive Council. The Management Council consists of all member of the sustainability management front , and one of each other management fronts. Thus, all decisions should be discussed by this Council and executed by the Executive Council.

The Fund’s revenues consists of official currency and complementary currency and comes from several sources: revenue from public and private contests, contribution from the collectives, donations, sponsorships, institutional projects, services exchanges and other Government funds. The collectives’ contribution is made with services rendered to the network, financial resources. Funds raised by Institutional projects are 100% converted to the National Fund. CFE’ s collectives and the management fronts can claim access for the National Fund’s resources. The collectives can access the Fund through loans, participation in contests,agreements, direct funding and services. Information on ways to access, terms, notices, sample forms, worksheets, results and meetings minutes are always available in the internet’s social network of the CFE. The management fronts may plead annual percentage of the National Fund, with the purpose to implement or develop institutional projects, approved by the Management Council.

Another means of the collectives raising money is rendering services to institutional projects. Selection of which collective for rendering service evaluates criteria such as being in line with the Charter of Principles and Rules of Procedure of the CFE and financial and operational capacity." (

Source: * Paper: Fora do Eixo Card: The Brazilian System for the Solidarity Culture. By Bruno Poljokan, Lenissa Lenza et al. [1]


Bruno Poljokan, Lenissa Lenza et al:

"The trade offs and informal exchanges between groups and artists have always been productive forces guiding the independent music scene in Brazil. It is common for friends or partners to volunteer at events and other projects, and that force of solidarity work for years spun sector economy, still deeply marked by informality and lack of resources in kind. The system CFE Card main goal is to minimize the negative effects of fluctuations in the cash flow, by developing a cultural market based on services exchanges. The model is a replacement for the traditional scheme of "camaraderie" that happened when the exchanges were informal and unsystematic. The system depends on the credibility and quality of the services exchanged within the network, and the fact that all individuals involved are committed with the network. Because of this, a monitoring process of the network becomes very important. Where the management council must be constantly preoccupied with capacitating all collectives, as well as stimulating its users to exchange and use network as much as possible. Besides creating a network of services exchange, it creates a network of trust. Where trusting in each participant becomes the main stimulation to exchanges happen." (

More Information

See: The Brazilian System for the Solidarity Culture

Fora do Eixo