FairShares Institute for Cooperative Social Entrepreneurship

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= " a Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) project at Sheffield Business School (SBS) within Sheffield Hallam University (SHU)".

URL = http://fsi.coop/


"“To eliminate poverty, promote social justice by building communities in which every adult has the opportunity to become a co-owner of the organisations on which they, their family and community depend.”

Each FairShares project has as its goal the creation of a sustainable co-operative enterprise that enfranchises four primary stakeholders (founders, labour, users, investors).

Mission: “to engage in critical testing, development and application of the FairShares Model and disseminate the results in an intellectual commons for the benefit of educators, researchers, entrepreneurs, managers, members and professionals engaged in cooperative social entrepreneurship.”

The project’s vision and mission were agreed by our steering group to align with the goals of the FairShares Association (UK) and FairShares Labs project (Germany), then validated by international panels of academics and practitioners.