European Forum on Income, Common Goods and Democracy
= European Forum in Rome: Income, Common Goods and Democracy // Rome 10-12 February, Teatro Valle
European Forum in Rome: Income, Common Goods and Democracy // Rome 10-12 February, Teatro Valle
Throughout Europe, we are witnessing massive transfers of resources from the public to the private sphere. The political responses to the crises are defined by austerity measures and by cuts to social spending, driving Europe further into recession.
From Greece to Spain, from London to Rome, European people are increasingly aware of the need for a different model of globalisation. From those resisting the privatisation of resources (for example in Italy with the water referendum, and currently in Romania) to the recent occupations of public spaces against neoliberalism (for example in the UK and Spain), this is the moment to construct and alternative Europe which is not a product of neoliberal politics, but the political expression of European citizens.
Within this context, over forty organisations, networks and social movements from eight European countries will meet in the 600-seat Valle Theatre in Rome to organise a common front to construct an alternative European model. This three-day forum will focus on the construction of common transnational campaigns on the thematics of the commons and guaranteed minimum income as well as the battle against precarity, also utilising the new method provided with the European citizens’ initiative. The event will be a true opportunity to build European networks and campaigns that will take concrete forms in follow-up meetings in Spain, the UK, Romania, Bulgaria and France in the following months to continue the work begun in Rome. The emphasis on concrete campaigns will be the starting point to engage in a reflection on the revision of the EU Treaties, to propose an alternative vision of Europe.
The Rome forum is organised by European Alternatives, the International University College Turin, Teatro Valle, Centro Studi per l'Alternativa Comune, Municipality of Naples, ARCI, Il Manifesto, Basic Income Network, Tilt, Rete della Conoscenza, Cilap-eapn, Altramente, Osservatorio Europa, MFE."