Empirical Investigation into Collaborative Heroism

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* Article: Collaborative Heroism: An Empirical Investigation. By Dana Klisanin. Heroism Science, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2016

URL = https://www.academia.edu/28765625/Collaborative_Heroism_An_Empirical_Investigation


"Interactive technologies have come to define our culture, and as such, they influence and shape our modes of perception and behavior. This empirical investigation explored the public’s perception of the impact of the Internet on heroism via assessment of a sample population through a process of item generation, sampling, and principal component analysis.

A robust 5-component structure emerged with consensus among participants including:

  1. Collaboration expands heroic potential;
  2. Internet technology expands heroic potential;
  3. Heroes are motivated to protect and serve;
  4. Heroes are responsive to injustice;
  5. Concern for others is a required ingredient.

The results extend research in collaborative heroism, supporting the basic premises of the theory, suggesting that the tools of the networked society are impacting the social construction of heroism, expanding it such that heroism is evolving to meet the demands of the 21st century."