Documentary on the Cooperativa Integral Catalana and Other Alternatives in Catalonia

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Video of 'Autogestió: adventures into the new economies of Catalonia' available via


"Catalonia is at the forefront of new economic thinking. They are a region rich in social currencies and in projects and people creating functioning post-capitalist societies. In June 2015, while in the midst of arranging the launch of the Exeter Pound, a local currency for Exeter, Adam and Hannah raised the money to travel to Catalonia and interview some on-the-ground members of these post-capitalist networks to get a glimpse of how and why they are forming. The film is a selection of interviews and is divided into five topics of discussion: 1) The Cooperativa Integral Catalana - a cooperative which replaces existing capitalist functions; 2) Social currencies - local alternatives to national currencies; 3) Cryptocurrencies - global alternatives to national currencies; 4) Civil Disobedience - bending or breaking rules for the benefit of people; and 5) the notion of a Devon Integral Cooperative - that something like the CIC could happen in the UK."

More information

  • The film here is standard/low quality as this is within Vimeo's upload size limit. If you would like the full HD version of the film please get in touch with us: [email protected]