Discussions on Commons Economics

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Abundance vs. Scarcity

Institutions for the Commons

Labour as a Commons

Money as a Commons


The State and the Commons

  • Co-Creative Labor, Productive Democracy and the Partner State: By Hilary Wainwright. a very important text to reset government policies for the p2p age. The text discusses: 1 A value revolution in labor; 2 Re-constituting industrial strategies based on co-creative labor ; 3 The Co-Creative Economy needs a Partner State [2]

  1. Fostering New Governance through the Creation of a World Transition Organization
  2. Fostering New Governance through Participatory Coordination and Communalism

Towards Equitable Markets

Towards Equitable Resource Use

Towards Equitable Property Rights

Transition Strategies

  1. De-growth and an Economic Kyoto Protocol
  2. Fostering New Governance through the Creation of a World Transition Organization
  3. Fostering New Governance through Participatory Coordination and Communalism
  4. Introducing an Economic Transition Income
  5. Deepening Economic Democracy and Encouraging New Forms of Entrepreneurship
  6. Re-thinking Money Creation and Fostering a new Ecology of Currencies