Disaster Collectivism

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Tom Llewellyn:

"In 2017, there were 16 "billion dollar" climate disasters in the U.S., totaling over $300 billion in damages. If you live in the U.S., there's a good chance that you or someone you know was directly affected.

Unfortunately, this is becoming the new normal around the world. How can people take care of each other after a disaster, regardless of government response? How can people come together to rebuild for greater equity and resilience?

For the past year, Shareable has been working closely with Post Carbon Institute, Upstream Podcast, Transition US, and New Stories, on a podcast to answer these key questions using real examples.

Launching this fall, the Disaster Collectivism podcast will take you on an audio journey to Puerto Rico, New York City, and the San Francisco Bay Area to reveal the power of community-led rebuilding efforts. These episodes will not only spotlight underreported stories of solidarity, but serve as inspiration for other communities facing similar challenges. Our reporters will look into:

  • How disasters disproportionately impact the most vulnerable and what can be done to respond and rebuild in a just and equitable way
  • How communities can prevent "disaster capitalists" (those who seek to profit through rebuilding/recovery efforts) from preying on various populations in the aftermath of a crisis."

(via shareable.net)

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