URL = https://red.democraciarealya.es/
"DRY appears in January 2011 as a citizen mobilization platforms coordinator within a context influenced by the silent Icelandic revolution, the Arab spring and the European mobilizations cycle against austerity policies, which are being implemented as an excuse for their necessity in the context of the current economic and financial crisis, which affects all of us. In this frame, DRY called for a first demonstration last May 15th (15M) to denounce that “we are not merchandise in bankers and politicians hands”. With this mobilization, the precarious ones -workers, students, pensioners, inmigrants...- and different social groups took politics back from the violence of Capital. DRY has actively participated in the “#acampadas” (campsites) movement. DRY supports and actively works on the building up of mobilizations on October 15th on a global level."