Crypto Universal Basic Income Projects

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"With the advent of Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts, the potential to create Unconditional Basic Income systems exists by creating a Blockchain that supports a token and employs a decentralized identity system that solves the sybil attack problem (proof of individuality). Such a token would be issued on a regular basis to any individual who can prove to the peer to peer based network that they are alive, and that they are only receiving the allotment for one person per day (or whatever time period is used)."

More information

  • OpenUBI Roundtable #2 Synergies, Differences and Philosophies of Money Meetup - January 28, 2019 - ThoughtWorks Berlin, DE Part 1
  • OpenUBI Roundtable #2 Synergies, Differences and Philosophies of Money Meetup - January 28, 2019 - ThoughtWorks Berlin, DE -- Part 2

Commons Economics